ORC JIT Weekly #31 -- Debugger support for JITLink / ELF, JITLink design doc.

Hi All,

Stefan Granitz has also posted a patch to support JIT’d code debugging under JITLink/ELF https://reviews.llvm.org/D97335. This is really exciting – debugger support is one of the longest standing feature requests for ORCv2. Thanks very much for working on this Stefan!

Stefan’s work is ELF-only at the moment, but establishes some core infrastructure that will be critical to debugger support for MachO too. Hopefully I will be able to adapt his solution to MachO some time in the coming months.

Other news from me:

  • Apologies for the lack of updates: I’ve been busy with other work and taking some vacation time, but will be getting back to full time JIT work soon.

  • There’s finally a JITLink design document: https://llvm.org/docs/JITLink.html. If you’re interested in JITLink please have a look over it and let me know what you think, especially if you have questions that it doesn’t answer.

  • I haven’t forgotten the ORC runtime. When I get back to work I’ll be focusing on tidying it up ready for review by the community so that we can try to land it in the main branch.

– Lang.