[PATCH] add x32 psABI support

If you are interesting to play around X32, you may refer to x32 - glibc wiki to bootstrap a local environment on Linux.

- Michael

Hi Folks,

Anyone got chance to review the patch adding X32 psABI support?

- Michael

Hello Michael,

Anyone got chance to review the patch adding X32 psABI support?

LLVM patch is quite big to review it alone. Will you please split it
into parts? E.g., as it seems to me:

1. Configure-related things (+Triple, etc)
2. MC changes
3. Codegen changes (is possible, split here too)

Also, it seems you're totally lacking *any* tests. This means that x32
being the "poor sister" here can quickly become bitrot'ed.
Please include ones for:

1. clang driver changes
2. clang ABI bits
3. LLVM codegen
