[PATCH] Segmented Stacks

Hi llvm-dev!

I have attached the current state of my GSoC work in patches [1] for
review; this currently allows LLVM to correctly handle functions running
out of stack space and variable sized stack objects.

Firstly, since I think it is better to get things merged in small
chunks, I'd like to have some specific feedback on where my work stands
in terms of mergeability.

Secondly, I had been working on supporting variable arguments before I
started to clean up my work and roll a patch series. The varargs work is
not completed yet; and I recall having a discussion on this list some
time back [2] about adding support for co-routines. Does postponing the
vararg work and seeing if co-routines can be implemented sound more
useful (since we should be able to cheaply create and destroy stacks
now). I understand that segmented stacks will primarily be used by
managed languages; does support for varargs seem important enough in
such cases?


[1] I'm working on implementing segmented stacks as a part of GSoC '11.

[2] The previous discussion has concluded with a suggestion of adding
three intrinsics to LLVM: llvm.stacknew, llvm.stackswitch and
llvm.stackdestroy; which should be enough to allow the frontend
developer to implement his or her own co-routining semantics.

0001-Adds-a-command-line-option-segmented-stacks-to-enabl.patch (1.61 KB)

0002-Adds-a-StackSegmenter-pass.patch (6.8 KB)

0003-Implements-prologue-code-emission-for-X86.patch (9.55 KB)

0004-Adds-a-new-SelectionDAG-node-and-two-pseudo-instruct.patch (4.23 KB)

0005-Adds-support-for-variable-sized-allocas.patch (10.5 KB)

0006-Adds-some-basic-test-code.patch (2.03 KB)

0007-Adds-some-preliminary-documentation.patch (6.23 KB)

The patches look great! Just some comments:

Can you move the command line condition to addCommonCodeGenPasses instead of returning early from runOnMachineFunction? That should avoid printing the pass with -debug-pass=Arguments if it is not used for example.

runOnMachineFunction only needs to return true if changes were made. Maybe adjustForSegmentedStacks should return a bool.

It might be a good idea to add a comment that the particular stack size checks sequences are important as the linker patter matches them.

A micro optimization in EmitLoweredSegAlloca: can you reused the sub if we find out that we have enough stack space?

+ if (!Is64Bit)
+ BuildMI(mallocMBB, DL, TII->get(X86::SUB32ri), physSPReg).addReg(physSPReg)
+ .addImm(16);

You can merge this if with the else just before it.

In the test:

+; Just to prevent the alloca from being optimized away
+define void @dummy(i32* %val, i32 %len) {
+ ret void

Hi llvm-dev!

I have attached the current state of my GSoC work in patches [1] for
review; this currently allows LLVM to correctly handle functions running
out of stack space and variable sized stack objects.

Firstly, since I think it is better to get things merged in small
chunks, I’d like to have some specific feedback on where my work stands
in terms of mergeability.

Secondly, I had been working on supporting variable arguments before I
started to clean up my work and roll a patch series. The varargs work is
not completed yet; and I recall having a discussion on this list some
time back [2] about adding support for co-routines. Does postponing the
vararg work and seeing if co-routines can be implemented sound more
useful (since we should be able to cheaply create and destroy stacks
now). I understand that segmented stacks will primarily be used by
managed languages; does support for varargs seem important enough in
such cases?

I think I was the one who was interested in support for coroutines. My language doesn’t currently use variable arguments, but there might be others who would find it useful.

Hi llvm-dev!

I have attached the current state of my GSoC work in patches [1] for
review; this currently allows LLVM to correctly handle functions running
out of stack space and variable sized stack objects.

Firstly, since I think it is better to get things merged in small
chunks, I’d like to have some specific feedback on where my work stands
in terms of mergeability.

Secondly, I had been working on supporting variable arguments before I
started to clean up my work and roll a patch series. The varargs work is
not completed yet; and I recall having a discussion on this list some
time back [2] about adding support for co-routines. Does postponing the
vararg work and seeing if co-routines can be implemented sound more
useful (since we should be able to cheaply create and destroy stacks
now). I understand that segmented stacks will primarily be used by
managed languages; does support for varargs seem important enough in
such cases?

I think I was the one who was interested in support for coroutines. My language doesn’t currently use variable arguments, but there might be others who would find it useful.


[1] I’m working on implementing segmented stacks as a part of GSoC '11.

[2] The previous discussion has concluded with a suggestion of adding
three intrinsics to LLVM: llvm.stacknew, llvm.stackswitch and
llvm.stackdestroy; which should be enough to allow the frontend
developer to implement his or her own co-routining semantics.

Actually, now that I think of it there’s something I need that is of higher priority (for me anyway) than either of the things you mention: Will I still be able to iterate through stack frames for purposes of garbage collection? In other words, if I use the segmented stack feature, will I need to modify my code that traces roots on the stack?

Here’s what the current code looks like: http://code.google.com/p/tart/source/browse/trunk/runtime/lib/gc_common.cpp#155