possible clang bug?

This compiles in clang 3.8 but I believe it should not:

template< class T = int >

struct A


struct B {};

const B* test (const B* b) const;


template< class T >

inline auto A< T >::test (const B* const b) const → const B*


return ++b;


int main()


A<> m;

const A<>::B* b = 0;

b = m.test (b);


Here is the same code in coliru:


gcc reports the error I was expecting:

main.cpp: In instantiation of ‘const A::B* A::test(const A::B*) const [with T = int]’:

main.cpp:19:18: required from here

main.cpp:12:9: error: increment of read-only parameter ‘b’

return ++b;

This is a very non-critical bug (if it even is a bug) and I do not need a fix but I thought I would point it out because I happened to notice.

Adam Burr
Blue Sky Studios

This looks like a bug for sure, it reproduces on ToT clang for me as well.

This compiles in clang 3.8 but I believe it should not:

template< class T = int >
struct A
struct B {};

const B* test (const B* b) const;

template< class T >
inline auto A< T >::test (const B* const b) const -> const B*
return ++b;

int main()
    A<> m;
    const A<>::B* b = 0;
    b = m.test (b);

Here is the same code in coliru:

Coliru Viewer

gcc reports the error I was expecting:

main.cpp: In instantiation of 'const A<T>::B* A<T>::test(const A<T>::B*)
const [with T = int]':
main.cpp:19:18: required from here
main.cpp:12:9: error: increment of read-only parameter 'b'
  return ++b;

This is a very non-critical bug (if it even is a bug) and I do not need a
fix but I thought I would point it out because I happened to notice.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

I've created a bugzilla entry at 31607 – Clang accepts invalid code that mutates a const parameter when it is defined with a 'const' qualifier but declared without the 'const' in a class template
since I didn't find any duplicates.
