Pre-LLVM-DEV'23 -- Embedded Toolchains Workshop

We (Fuchsia) would be interested in participating and helping with the organization in this workshop. We would be also happy to present our progress in this space.

Your list of topics matches our TODO list for embedded development and it would be great to have time to dive into these topics in more detail, beyond what’s typically possible in a roundtable.

To make this workshop worthwhile, I think it would be paramount to have owners of different areas attend; off the top of my head I can think of @maskray for LLD, @snidertm and @ilovepi for LTO and linker scripts, @barrelshifter and @ellishg for coverage, @evodius96 for MC/DC coverage, @sivachandra and @michaelrj-google for LLVM libc, @ldionne for libc++, and likely more I forgot.

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