Problem about alert displayed in clangd

In the Diagnostics.cpp file of the clangd module in LLVM, there is a function called getDiagnosticDocURI that retrieves the URL address of a rule check. The code is as follows:

case Diag::ClangTidy: {
StringRef Module, Check;
std::tie(Module, Check) = Name.split('-');
if (Module.empty() || Check.empty())
return llvm::None;
return ("" + Module + "/" +
Check + ".html")

Now, I have defined several custom rules and have corresponding MD documents in the code repository. Therefore, in the clangd plugin in VSCode, when there is an alert, I want to be able to click on the hyperlink to go to the corresponding document. I modified the code as follows:

case Diag::ClangTidy: {
StringRef Module, Check;
if (Name.contains(StringRef("xxx-xxx"))){
std::string url = R"(";
return url ;

In the plugin, the alert is displayed, but when I check the hyperlink in the alert, it is always escaped as the following link:
This prevents me from being able to click on the hyperlink and access the specified website. How can I resolve this issue?