problems in buiding LLVM


I’m trying to build LLVM on the last version of Cygwin, but the ‘make install’ command terminates with errors.

Please find attached the config.log file and the final part of the make output.

Can you help me?



Silvano Rivoira

Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica

Politecnico di Torino

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24

10129 Torino


Tel: (+39) 011 564 7056

Fax: (+39) 011 564 7099



config.log (202 KB)


I’m trying to build LLVM on the last version of Cygwin, but the ‘make
install’ command terminates with errors.

Please find attached the config.log file and the final part of the
make output.

Can you help me?

Your compiler is complaining about a type overloading where it can't
resolve uint32_t to "unsigned int". Perhaps on your system they are not
the same. I've changed the interface to use uint32_t. Hopefully that
will help. Please update and try again.
