PROPOSAL: IR representation of detailed struct assignment information (new version)


Persuant to feedback,

here is a new proposal for detailed struct assignment information.

Here's the example showing the basic problem:

struct bar {
char x;
float y;
double z;
void copy_bar(struct bar *a, struct bar *b) {
*a = *b;

The solution I now propose here is to have front-ends describe the copy
using metadata. For example:

call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %0, i8* %1, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false), !tbaa.struct !4
!0 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
!1 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !0}
!2 = metadata !{metadata !"float", metadata !1}
!3 = metadata !{metadata !"double", metadata !1}
!4 = metadata !{metadata !5, i64 3, metadata !6, metadata !7}
!5 = metadata !{i64 1, metadata !1}
!6 = metadata !{i64 4, metadata !2}
!7 = metadata !{i64 8, metadata !3}

Metadata nodes !0 through !3 are regular TBAA nodes as are already in use.

Metadata node !4 here is a top-level description of the memcpy. It holds a
list of virtual members. An integer represents a padding field of that
size. A metadata tuple represents an actual data field. The tuple's members
are an integer size and a TBAA tag for the field.

Comments and questions are welcome.


Hi Dan, another approach is to exploit the fact that intrinsics can have
metadata parameters. We could then have a new "structmemcpy" intrinsic
which would take a variable number of parameters (yes, a variable number
of parameters is problematic, see below), basically a list describing
each field, something like this:

   void llvm.structmemcpy (
     i8* dest,
     i8* src,
     i64 offset0, i64 size0, i32 align0, i1 volatile0, metadata tbaa0, ; field0
     i64 offset1, i64 size1, i32 align1, i1 volatile1, metadata tbaa1, ; field1
     i64 offsetN, i64 sizeN, i32 alignN, i1 volatileN, metadata tbaaN ; fieldN

The first "field" to be copied would be at bytes [offset0, offset0+size0).
The second field at [offset1, offset1+size1), though it might be better
to have offsets be from the end of the previous field, in which case it
would be: [offset0+size0+ offset1, offset0+size0+ offset1+size1).

The memory in [0, offset0) would thus be a gap ("padding"), and likewise
between the end of each field and the start of the next. There is a small
hassle expressing a gap at the end of the struct, but this can be overcome
by the trick of placing a fake zero size field after the last byte in
the struct.

What I like about this is that it puts the vital information directly
into the intrinsic in a structured way, rather than having it be "on
the side" in metadata.

The big problem of course is that we aren't really set up to have
intrinsics for which different instances can have a different number
of parameters. This can be handled to some extent by using multiple
declarations, sticking the number of parameters onto the name like
is done for intrinsics which can have different types, like:
  @llvm.struct.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64.8 <- this one takes 8 parameters,
or maybe 8 field descriptions, or something like that.
But there may be many issues here.

Ciao, Duncan.


Persuant to feedback,

here is a new proposal for detailed struct assignment information.

Thanks Dan,

Here's the example showing the basic problem:

struct bar {
char x;
float y;
double z;
void copy_bar(struct bar *a, struct bar *b) {
*a = *b;

The solution I now propose here is to have front-ends describe the copy
using metadata. For example:

call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %0, i8* %1, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false), !tbaa.struct !4
!0 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
!1 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !0}
!2 = metadata !{metadata !"float", metadata !1}
!3 = metadata !{metadata !"double", metadata !1}
!4 = metadata !{metadata !5, i64 3, metadata !6, metadata !7}
!5 = metadata !{i64 1, metadata !1}
!6 = metadata !{i64 4, metadata !2}
!7 = metadata !{i64 8, metadata !3}

Metadata nodes !0 through !3 are regular TBAA nodes as are already in use.

Metadata node !4 here is a top-level description of the memcpy. It holds a
list of virtual members. An integer represents a padding field of that
size. A metadata tuple represents an actual data field. The tuple's members
are an integer size and a TBAA tag for the field.

How about just making "!4" be a list of triples, where the first two elements are integer offset/size, and the third entry is a TBAA pointer, or null for padding? This would give us easier to read (and pretty print) llvm IR and may be more memory efficient as well.


So, like this?

!4 = metadata !{i64 0, i64 1, metadata !1, i64 1, 64 3, i8* null, i64 4, i64 4, metadata !2, i64 8, i64 8, metadata !3}


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. This MDNode should be usable by any struct copy of that type. Duncan, what do you think? I'm skeptical of an approach that requires varargs overloaded intrinsics. :slight_smile:


Hey Dan, I've talked with you about this in person and on IRC, but I've not
yet laid out my thoughts on a single place, so I'll put them here.

TL;DR: I really like the idea of using metadata to tag each member of a
struct with TBAA, and re-using the TBAA metadata nodes we already have. I'm
not as fond of the description of padding in the metadata node.

Currently padding is really hard to represent because there is sometimes a
member of an LLVM struct which represents padding (packed structs and cases
where the frontend type requires more alignment than the datalayout string
specifies) and other times there isn't. The current proposal doesn't
entirely fix this because we still will need some way to annotate the
members of structs inserted purely for the purpose of padding.

Further, we have the problem that sometimes what is needed is a
representation of a "hole", that is a region which is neither padding nor
part of the struct itself. The canonical example is the tail padding of a
base class where the derived class's first member has low alignent

I would propose that we solve these problems by a somewhat more invasive
change, but one which will significantly simplify both LLVM and frontends
(at least Clang, I suspect other frontends):

Remove non-packed struct types completely. Make LLVM structs represent a
contiguous sequence of bytes, explicitly partitioned into fields with
particular primitive types.

The idea would be to make all struct types be packed[1], and to represent
padding as explicit members of the struct. These could in turn have a
"padding" TBAA metadata node which would specify that member as being
padding. This would simplify the metadata representation because there
would *always* be a member to hang the padding tag off of. It would
simplify struct layout analysis in LLVM because the difference between
alloc-size and type-size would be irrelevant. It would dramatically
simplify Clang's record layout building, which already has to fall back to
packed LLVM structs in many cases because normal structs produce offsets
that conflict with the ABI's layout requirements.

Essentially, LLVM is trying to simplify ABI layout by providing a
datalayout summary description of target alignments, and building structs
with that algorithm. But unless this *exactly* matches the ABI in question,
it actually makes the job harder because now we have to try, potentially
fail, and end up with all the code to use the packed mode anyways. My
theory is that there are too many ABIs in the world (and too weird rules
within them) for us to ever really get this right at the LLVM layer.
Instead, we should force the frontend to explicitly layout the bytes as it
sees fit.

Ok, now to the "how does this all work" part:

- No more alignment needed in the datalayout string[2].
- Other places where today we have optional alignment, if omitted the
alignment will be '1' instead of '0'. This will essentially require
alignment to be specified in more places.
- Array elements are packed[3]. If the elements of an array must be padded
out to a particular alignment, the array should be of a struct containing
the element and a padding member of the appropriate size. This will allow
us to tag that member with metadata as padding as well.
- Auto-upgrade uses old datalayout with alignments to synthesize necessary
align specifiers on instructions etc.
- TBAA metadata will identify members of a struct type which are padding
and hold no interesting data.

This would at least remove one dimension of complexity from Clang's record
layout building by removing the need to try non-packed structs and fallback
to packed. It should even allow us to retain the struct type for a base
class with derived class members packed into previously "padding" bytes at
the end. Currently, even the current proposal doesn't seem to support
retaining the llvm struct type for the base class in this case, or easily
annotating the fields of that base class with TBAA information.


Some points of clarification:
[1]: I say "packed" repeatedly but never "bit packed" or "byte packed". My
inclination is to make the rule within LLVM "byte packed" and fix the idea
of a byte as an i8. I think its hopeless to support non-8-bit-bytes in
LLVM, and we should just move past that illusion. However, it would
certainly be possible to make this be "bit packed" and add bit padding with
appropriate metadata. I might even like that if it gives us a cleaner
semantic model, or helps tag certain bits as undef.

[2]: We could potentially keep some of this information here if there are
other parts of LLVM that use it... I'm not deeply familiar with all the
consumers of the datalayout string.

[3]: I'm torn on this one. It might be nice to have arrays get an optional
alignment that establishes the stride of the elements, particularly if we
want the semantics to be that between array elements we have a "hole"
rather than padding. However, I'm not aware of any place where this is a
practical or important constraint, and it seems to add complexity that we
don't need. If needed, it could always be added later.

The idea would be to make all struct types be packed[1], and to
represent padding as explicit members of the struct.

> [...]


Frankly, I like this idea a lot. I have one comment though: the data type used for the padding fields would need to always be the same, or else we run into the issue of having two types that are equal with respect to the non-padded data, but differ in the types (but not lengths) of the padding. Those should be considered identical.

It brings my attention back to this:

On 8/31/2012 3:15 AM, Renato Golin wrote:> On 30 August 2012 21:30, >> I guess I'm late to the party, but another possibility would be to model
>> structure types as lists of members with their offsets from the beginning of
>> the parent aggregate. This would require extensive changes to LLVM, so I'm
>> not sure if it's an option.
> This has been proposed already, and could also be used by bitfields,
> but the changes were too many and was not accepted.
> I think the biggest reason against was that it was strongly based on
> C++ semantics and not generic enough to be considered IR material.

This would simply omit any non-member information from a type, and provide explicit placement (offset) of the members. What were the specific concerns regarding this idea in the past?


Hi Chandler

I also brainstormed a little with Dan on this and one idea we had was to add a new LLVM type for the hole/padding. This would be a type for which it is legal to load/store/move around as part of a larger move operation, but is otherwise unusable in LLVM. Dan named it x32 for a 32-bit type for example.

I think this would fit well within what you are proposing as then it is easy to see the holes/padding without even needing metadata. The TBAA metadata would still be needed, but now you could simply have a list of tbaa nodes, where the index in the list corresponds to the field, whether a real field or one of the ‘x’ ones.


Hey Dan, I've talked with you about this in person and on IRC, but I've not yet laid out my thoughts on a single place, so I'll put them here.

TL;DR: I really like the idea of using metadata to tag each member of a struct with TBAA, and re-using the TBAA metadata nodes we already have. I'm not as fond of the description of padding in the metadata node.

Currently padding is really hard to represent because there is sometimes a member of an LLVM struct which represents padding (packed structs and cases where the frontend type requires more alignment than the datalayout string specifies) and other times there isn't. The current proposal doesn't entirely fix this because we still will need some way to annotate the members of structs inserted purely for the purpose of padding.

This is not a problem in the current proposal, because it represents padding
completely independently from the LLVM struct type.

Further, we have the problem that sometimes what is needed is a representation of a "hole", that is a region which is neither padding nor part of the struct itself. The canonical example is the tail padding of a base class where the derived class's first member has low alignent constraints.

I don't see how a hole in a base class which isn't being used by a subclass is
different from padding, from the optimizer's perspective. The optimizer
doesn't know about class hierarchies (unless you're proposing something
much more significant).

I would propose that we solve these problems by a somewhat more invasive change, but one which will significantly simplify both LLVM and frontends (at least Clang, I suspect other frontends):

Remove non-packed struct types completely. Make LLVM structs represent a contiguous sequence of bytes, explicitly partitioned into fields with particular primitive types.

The idea would be to make all struct types be packed[1], and to represent padding as explicit members of the struct. These could in turn have a "padding" TBAA metadata node which would specify that member as being padding. This would simplify the metadata representation because there would *always* be a member to hang the padding tag off of. It would simplify struct layout analysis in LLVM because the difference between alloc-size and type-size would be irrelevant. It would dramatically simplify Clang's record layout building, which already has to fall back to packed LLVM structs in many cases because normal structs produce offsets that conflict with the ABI's layout requirements.

Essentially, LLVM is trying to simplify ABI layout by providing a datalayout summary description of target alignments, and building structs with that algorithm. But unless this *exactly* matches the ABI in question, it actually makes the job harder because now we have to try, potentially fail, and end up with all the code to use the packed mode anyways. My theory is that there are too many ABIs in the world (and too weird rules within them) for us to ever really get this right at the LLVM layer. Instead, we should force the frontend to explicitly layout the bytes as it sees fit.

The current situation is not bleak. ABIs don't often vary that much in the
way they lay out structs and arrays, especially within a given architecture.

I actually think it's kind of nice that LLVM has this native concept of "normal"
struct layout built in. It encourages people to avoid doing their own custom struct
layout unless they have a good reason to.

I think your proposal would solve the original problem here, but it's not obviously
better than the metadata approach. Bytes in memory in LLVM don't have inherent types,
so optimizers can't rely on the type, or on any individual copy, to understand the
lifetimes of data in storage allocated for padding. Consequently, a type just
becomes a way to attach information to a copy. And it's not clear that using a type
is better than using metadata.

The metadata approach is nice because it separates the use cases into two families.
On one side, copies with no metadata are simple to create, simple to understand, and
simple to implement. On the other side, people who need more features can add
metadata to get there, and things are more complex all around, but that's the price
of using advanced features. This is the shape of problem that metadata was intended
to solve.


The idea would be to make all struct types be packed[1], and to
represent padding as explicit members of the struct.

> [...]


Frankly, I like this idea a lot. I have one comment though: the data type used for the padding fields would need to always be the same, or else we run into the issue of having two types that are equal with respect to the non-padded data, but differ in the types (but not lengths) of the padding. Those should be considered identical.

After the great struct type rewrite, LLVM no longer unifies structurally
equivalent struct types, so this issue doesn't seem relevant any more.

It brings my attention back to this:

>> I guess I'm late to the party, but another possibility would be to model
>> structure types as lists of members with their offsets from the beginning of
>> the parent aggregate. This would require extensive changes to LLVM, so I'm
>> not sure if it's an option.
> This has been proposed already, and could also be used by bitfields,
> but the changes were too many and was not accepted.
> I think the biggest reason against was that it was strongly based on
> C++ semantics and not generic enough to be considered IR material.

This would simply omit any non-member information from a type, and provide explicit placement (offset) of the members. What were the specific concerns regarding this idea in the past?

I don't know of any semantic problems with this. Bytes in memory in LLVM do not have
built-in types, so struct types are "just" sized and aligned blobs with associated
addressing hints. The main design problem here is ease of use, and there are several
different kinds of user here.

For example, front-end writers focused on micro-optimizing memory usage might welcome
a change which would give them more control by default. Optimizer writers often
appreciate than in the current system, simple things are very simple, and
uncoincidentally similar to C.

Conceptually, much of my response to Chandler's recent proposal applies to this
proposal as well. I'm don't dislike it outright, but it doesn't seem the best
way to solve the specific problems I started this thread with, and it doesn't
(yet) seem sufficiently motivated otherwise (it'd be a big change).


> Hello,
> Persuant to feedback,
> here is a new proposal for detailed struct assignment information.
> Here's the example showing the basic problem:
> struct bar {
> char x;
> float y;
> double z;
> };
> void copy_bar(struct bar *a, struct bar *b) {
> *a = *b;
> }
> The solution I now propose here is to have front-ends describe the
> copy using metadata. For example:
> call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %0, i8* %1, i64 16, i32
> 8, i1 false), !tbaa.struct !4
> […]
> !0 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
> !1 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !0}
> !2 = metadata !{metadata !"float", metadata !1}
> !3 = metadata !{metadata !"double", metadata !1}
> !4 = metadata !{metadata !5, i64 3, metadata !6, metadata !7}
> !5 = metadata !{i64 1, metadata !1}
> !6 = metadata !{i64 4, metadata !2}
> !7 = metadata !{i64 8, metadata !3}
> Metadata nodes !0 through !3 are regular TBAA nodes as are already
> in use.
> Metadata node !4 here is a top-level description of the memcpy. It
> holds a list of virtual members. An integer represents a padding
> field of that size. A metadata tuple represents an actual data
> field. The tuple's members are an integer size and a TBAA tag for
> the field.

Hey Dan, I've talked with you about this in person and on IRC, but
I've not yet laid out my thoughts on a single place, so I'll put them

TL;DR: I really like the idea of using metadata to tag each member of
a struct with TBAA, and re-using the TBAA metadata nodes we already
have. I'm not as fond of the description of padding in the metadata

Currently padding is really hard to represent because there is
sometimes a member of an LLVM struct which represents padding (packed
structs and cases where the frontend type requires more alignment
than the datalayout string specifies) and other times there isn't.
The current proposal doesn't entirely fix this because we still will
need some way to annotate the members of structs inserted purely for
the purpose of padding.

Further, we have the problem that sometimes what is needed is a
representation of a "hole", that is a region which is neither padding
nor part of the struct itself. The canonical example is the tail
padding of a base class where the derived class's first member has
low alignent constraints.

I would propose that we solve these problems by a somewhat more
invasive change, but one which will significantly simplify both LLVM
and frontends (at least Clang, I suspect other frontends):

Remove non-packed struct types completely. Make LLVM structs
represent a contiguous sequence of bytes, explicitly partitioned into
fields with particular primitive types.

The idea would be to make all struct types be packed[1], and to
represent padding as explicit members of the struct. These could in
turn have a "padding" TBAA metadata node which would specify that
member as being padding. This would simplify the metadata
representation because there would *always* be a member to hang the
padding tag off of. It would simplify struct layout analysis in LLVM
because the difference between alloc-size and type-size would be
irrelevant. It would dramatically simplify Clang's record layout
building, which already has to fall back to packed LLVM structs in
many cases because normal structs produce offsets that conflict with
the ABI's layout requirements.

Essentially, LLVM is trying to simplify ABI layout by providing a
datalayout summary description of target alignments, and building
structs with that algorithm. But unless this *exactly* matches the
ABI in question, it actually makes the job harder because now we have
to try, potentially fail, and end up with all the code to use the
packed mode anyways. My theory is that there are too many ABIs in the
world (and too weird rules within them) for us to ever really get
this right at the LLVM layer.

This layout logic needs to live somewhere, why can't it live in LLVM?
Does LLVM not have all of the necessary information for some ABIs? If
we push all of the necessary information and the associated logic into
the LLVM layer, then it can be used by multiple frontends.


The LLVM layer does not currently have all of the necessary information.
Bitfields, unions, and inheritance, are some things that are not captured.
You could extend LLVM's type system to represent all these things, and
it might make some things nicer, but how much complexity would it require,
to make LLVM in general aware of this more complex type system?


> Hey Dan, I've talked with you about this in person and on IRC, but I've
not yet laid out my thoughts on a single place, so I'll put them here.
> TL;DR: I really like the idea of using metadata to tag each member of a
struct with TBAA, and re-using the TBAA metadata nodes we already have. I'm
not as fond of the description of padding in the metadata node.
> Currently padding is really hard to represent because there is sometimes
a member of an LLVM struct which represents padding (packed structs and
cases where the frontend type requires more alignment than the datalayout
string specifies) and other times there isn't. The current proposal doesn't
entirely fix this because we still will need some way to annotate the
members of structs inserted purely for the purpose of padding.

This is not a problem in the current proposal, because it represents
completely independently from the LLVM struct type.

It is a complexity of your proposal that I find unfortunate. =/ I suspect
it will also add a small amount of complexity to the consumers of the
analysis based on my work on SROA, although its possible that pass is just
unique in the questions it needs to ask.

> Further, we have the problem that sometimes what is needed is a
representation of a "hole", that is a region which is neither padding nor
part of the struct itself. The canonical example is the tail padding of a
base class where the derived class's first member has low alignent

I don't see how a hole in a base class which isn't being used by a
subclass is
different from padding, from the optimizer's perspective. The optimizer
doesn't know about class hierarchies (unless you're proposing something
much more significant).

Because there is real data packed into that space. Because the LLVM type
system has no way to represent this, Clang turns such base classes into an
opaque array of i8 with the appropriate size, and *all* structural
information about this base class is lost. I'm trying to propose something
that is sufficiently powerful to no longer require such hacks in the

> I would propose that we solve these problems by a somewhat more invasive
change, but one which will significantly simplify both LLVM and frontends
(at least Clang, I suspect other frontends):
> Remove non-packed struct types completely. Make LLVM structs represent a
contiguous sequence of bytes, explicitly partitioned into fields with
particular primitive types.
> The idea would be to make all struct types be packed[1], and to
represent padding as explicit members of the struct. These could in turn
have a "padding" TBAA metadata node which would specify that member as
being padding. This would simplify the metadata representation because
there would *always* be a member to hang the padding tag off of. It would
simplify struct layout analysis in LLVM because the difference between
alloc-size and type-size would be irrelevant. It would dramatically
simplify Clang's record layout building, which already has to fall back to
packed LLVM structs in many cases because normal structs produce offsets
that conflict with the ABI's layout requirements.
> Essentially, LLVM is trying to simplify ABI layout by providing a
datalayout summary description of target alignments, and building structs
with that algorithm. But unless this *exactly* matches the ABI in question,
it actually makes the job harder because now we have to try, potentially
fail, and end up with all the code to use the packed mode anyways. My
theory is that there are too many ABIs in the world (and too weird rules
within them) for us to ever really get this right at the LLVM layer.
Instead, we should force the frontend to explicitly layout the bytes as it
sees fit.

The current situation is not bleak. ABIs don't often vary that much in the
way they lay out structs and arrays, especially within a given

Well, clearly we disagree here. ;] Have you read Clang's record layout
building code recently? Or tried to change it? It is a nightmare.

LLVM simply doesn't provide the tools to reasonably express things like
packing of low-alignment members into padding with nested sub-aggregates,
or bitfield packing.

I actually think it's kind of nice that LLVM has this native concept of
struct layout built in. It encourages people to avoid doing their own
custom struct
layout unless they have a good reason to.

But every frontend ends up with a reason to. And they all do it
differently, and their lives are made harder and more complex by trying to
utilize LLVM's struct layout when it works, but roll their own when it
doesn't. Having looked extensively at Clang's recently, I am confident that
it would be much simpler, and produce dramatically more clear LLVM types
after my proposal. That argues for LLVM's system not being good enough, and
my contention is that there simply is not any language-neutral struct
layout system other than: the bytes in memory. So let's go back to
representing a sequence of bytes in memory as an aggregation of primitive

I think your proposal would solve the original problem here, but it's not
better than the metadata approach.

I think it will be conceptually cleaner, and I think it will allow the
frontend to expose more structural information when currently it is unable
to due to that structural information not fitting into LLVM's struct layout

Bytes in memory in LLVM don't have inherent types,
so optimizers can't rely on the type, or on any individual copy, to
understand the
lifetimes of data in storage allocated for padding. Consequently, a type
becomes a way to attach information to a copy. And it's not clear that
using a type
is better than using metadata.

Aggregate types are most useful when applied to bytes of memory as a means
of partitioning accesses to those bytes of memory into operations on
distinct primitives, and simplifying the formation of byte offset pointers
to load and the properly typed loaded values in the IR. (IE, avoiding
complex GEPs and/or bitcasts before every load).

I don't think metadata helps with that at all.

The metadata approach is nice because it separates the use cases into two
On one side, copies with no metadata are simple to create, simple to
understand, and
simple to implement. On the other side, people who need more features can
metadata to get there, and things are more complex all around, but that's
the price
of using advanced features. This is the shape of problem that metadata was
to solve.

Nothing I propose would change copies though? I'm just trying to make the
struct type able to have members for each actual primitive member that is
accessed within a range of memory...

And I'm still suggesting to use metadata to differentiate between padding
and non-padding -- i *don't* think that belongs in the type system. I think
only the *layout* belongs in the type system because that is what powers
GEPs, the primary means of computing offsets.

Indeed, I think that we should move the opposite direction. I think LLVM
should be exposing a more low-level concept of layout than what it does.

While I see some appeal to this, I'm specifically *not* proposing such a
change. I think it introduces a lot more complexity than it is worth.

We already have a perfectly suitable type to represent members of a struct
which exist for the purpose of padding things out: [N x i8] for some
constant N. I would suggest continuing to use this type.

The goal is quite simply this:

LLVM's struct types should serve the one purpose they have when dealing
with memory: encoding the useful offsets of members within the struct such
that we can write compact IR for accessing members, and automatically
selecting the appropriate primitive type of the member to ease the
formation of a load or store.

This means the LLVM struct is already encoding the offset information and
ranges between offsets. We should re-use that encoding for padding as well
by having an member of the struct which represents *just* the range of the

Then we can use metadata to encode the semantics which should be attached
to these ranges of bytes. TBAA can provide aliasing buckets for the
members, and this metadata could also mark that some [N x i8] members are
ranges of padding bytes with no need for a new type in the IR.

What I really don't want is to have two separate encodings of the layout of
a struct -- one in metadata and one in the LLVM type. I would like to
additionally ensure that more types have reasonable encodings of their
layout in the LLVM types, and I think that can be achieved by moving to
packed-structs-only as a model.

As we discussed on IRC, it seems that the best thing to do here would be to
start by rewriting clang's struct layout code to use LLVM's packed struct
types instead of falling back to i8 arrays or other fall-back types. If that
works well, it sounds like it would be an improvement regardless, and it
would be a much better vantage point from which to consider actual changes
to the LLVM IR type system.

For now, I will proceed with my most recent metadata proposal. It's just
metadata, so if something better comes along, we can drop it.
