Question on flags/ passes selection to Improving code size for ARM cores


I am looking at obtaining smaller code sizes for ARM cores. So far, I am trying a genetic algorithm to find the best option for the opt passes and clang/ llc flags.
I am looking at what flags and passes -Oz and the other optimization levels enable and use. Having done something similar for gcc, I was looking for a similar approach.
However, I was not able to find many optimization flags for clang or llc, which made me think that in clang/llvm the optimization changes are done mostly by selecting/removing the opt passes(flags).

In order to run what opt passes I select, I split the compilation process in:

clang CLANG_FLAGS -emit-llvm mysource1.c -c -o mysource1.bc
opt OPT_FLAGS mysource1.bc -o mysource1.ll
llc LLC_FLAGS mysource1.ll -filetype=obj -o mysource1.o

I have also seen that for -Oz for example, the Pass Arguments appears multiple time, does this mean that opt is run multiple times with different passes options?

Now, my general direction questions are:

Am I on the right track with this?

Do you have any pointers or advice on this?

Thank you,
