The review managers for the LP0004: Project Governance proposal met today and decided to “Approve with Changes” the proposal.
Below are the notes from the meeting. The requested changes can be found in the “Notes” section below.
Meeting Notes
Review AIs & next steps from last time:
- Have review managers approve the PR as a draft, we’ll merge it, and send more PRs to resolve the AIs
- Publish updated schedule
- Consider that we are aiming for elections in January and the dev meeting is next Tuesday
- Will schedule second call on Friday after making updates to LP0004 so we can try to get to a decision to adopt the proposal
- Agree we should prefer “maintainer” over “code owner”
- Update proposal to clarify that all issues bubble up to project council
- Look into incorporating RFCs into the default area team agenda
- Chris will update voting requirements
- Codify how we plan to update and iterate on the process ahead of the next dev meeting
- Louis: outstanding issue: clarify that facilitating decision making outside of the scope of existing area teams is immediately escalated to the project council.
- Chris: Will do
- Voting body size of 1500 with 5 area teams
- Does every contributor vote on every area team? What do folks with no stake do?
- Plan as written is everyone can vote for all areas. Deciding to vote for each area is up to an individual.
- AI: Clarify that every voter can abstain from any area team election (done)
- Eric: Would like more clarity about what area teams cover what
- Intent is that decisions without dedicated area teams fall under the project council, and they can help decide, or redelegate
- We could clarify exactly which subdirectories the current area teams cover
- AI: Make the subdirectory to area team mapping crystal clear
- Cyndy: Nomination: The project council and area teams are responsible for ensuring we have a diverse and inclusive slate of nominated area team candidates
- Area teams should be able to identify potential candidates from the list of maintainers that they keep up to date
- Louis: Could be handed to the community area team
- AI: Add a section about this.
- Tom: We need to know the initial area team size so we can run our first elections
- This isn’t clear in the text
- AI: Set the initial team size to 3
- Motion: Approve LP00004 with AIs written above as changes
- Approved by Tom, Cyndy, Louis and David