This proposal is to include a templating language for clang-doc which will form part of my google summer of code project.
Clang-doc is a documentation generator developed on top of libtooling developed as an alternative to Doxygen.The tool currently emits documentation for several targets including markdown and html. However structurally the current method of generating HTML, Markdown and other formats is unergonomic and cumbersome.As an example here is code that generates HTML for functions in clang-doc
Out.emplace_back(std::make_unique<TagNode>(HTMLTag::TAG_H3, I.Name));
// USR is used as id for functions instead of name to disambiguate function
// overloads.
auto &FunctionHeader = Out.back();
std::string Access = getAccessSpelling(I.Access).str();
if (Access != "")
std::make_unique<TextNode>(Access + " "));
if (I.ReturnType.Type.Name != "") {
genReference(I.ReturnType.Type, ParentInfoDir));
FunctionHeader->Children.emplace_back(std::make_unique<TextNode>(" "));
std::make_unique<TextNode>(I.Name + "("));
for (const auto &P : I.Params) {
if (&P != I.Params.begin())
FunctionHeader->Children.emplace_back(std::make_unique<TextNode>(", "));
FunctionHeader->Children.emplace_back(genReference(P.Type, ParentInfoDir));
std::make_unique<TextNode>(" " + P.Name));
if (I.DefLoc) {
if (!CDCtx.RepositoryUrl)
*I.DefLoc, StringRef{*CDCtx.RepositoryUrl}));
std::string Description;
if (!I.Description.empty())
Which generates:
<h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
<h3 id="8778F1EDB8C49A8CD3BB2031F6D0BD65D54A41AD">Circle</h3>
<p>public void Circle(double radius)</p>
<p>Defined at line 3 of file ./src/Circle.cpp</p>
<p> Constructs a new Circle object.</p>
<h3 id="3424D0EF00ECAE4F0118480F02BEC82AFD08355C">area</h3>
<p>public double area()</p>
<p>Defined at line 5 of file ./src/Circle.cpp</p>
<p> Calculates the area of the circle.</p>
<p> double The area of the circle.</p>
This code is problematic because it is not intuitive what the output of this code generates. Since clang-doc outputs include HTML and Markdown, it is much more intuitive to emit some sort of language similar to the output to facilitate faster iteration for the tools output.
Instead of a programmatic way to generate the output, the suggestion is create a dynamic typed templating language which would enable clang-doc to have a unified way to generate every output.
Templating Language
This hypothetical templating language would work similarly to other similar templating languages like Jinja for python. Below is the hypothetical replacement for the above code for generating the HTML output
Template Rendering
A basic template would render to the output by taking in a std::string, llvm::json object additionally there would also be an option to take in a file object a template
Statements are wrapped in {% %} they can contain loops, conditionals, or component statements
Loops work like the example below, in the scope of the loop the iteration variable is exposed
{% for function in Functions %}
<h3 id="{{function.USR}}">{{function.Name}}</h3>
<p>Defined at line {{function.Loc.Line}} of file{{function.Loc.File}}</p>
{% endfor %}
This would output
<h3 id="8778F1EDB8C49A8CD3BB2031F6D0BD65D54A41AD">Circle</h3>
<p>public void Circle(double radius)</p>
<p>Defined at line 3 of file ./src/Circle.cpp</p>
<h3 id="3424D0EF00ECAE4F0118480F02BEC82AFD08355C">area</h3>
<p>public double area()</p>
<p>Defined at line 5 of file ./src/Circle.cpp</p>
Variables are evaluated by being wrapped in {{ }} the evaluation of variables would be based on the json object supplied
Conditional support includes if, else if, else. The templating language would also support boolean operators or, and, not
Here is one example of it working
{% if !function.IsPrivate %}
<h3 id="{{function.USR}}">{{function.Name}}</h3>
<p>Defined at line {{function.Loc.Line}} of file{{function.Loc.File}}</p>
{% endif %}
To prevent repeating structures we define a special keyword component which allows us to reuse snippets of templating code. We can optionally specify variables we want to pass down with the with keyword
Here is an example
<h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
{% for function in Functions %}
<h3 id="{{function.USR}}">{{function.Name}}</h3>
<p>Defined at line {{function.Loc.Line}} of file {{function.Loc.File}}</p>
{% component ‘child.template’ with function.Description as Description%}
{% endfor %}
{{for description in Descriptions}}
<p> Calculates the area of the circle.</p>
<p> double The area of the circle.</p>