RFC: “cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-use-of-unchecked-types-and-library-functions" flag

Hi all!

For a seminar course as part of our master’s degree, we (group of two) are looking into C++ safety profiles[1, 2].
We would like to make a contribution to LLVM’s implemtation of the profiles, which mainly consists of the clang-tidy “cppcoreguidelines-prof-…” flags[3], correct?
We noticed that clang-tidy doesn’t provide a flag for rule Bounds.4, which checks for uses of “standard-library functions and types that are not bounds-checked”[4].

Are we right in assuming that it doesn’t exist or is it implemented somewhere else?
If the former is the case, would you welcome a contribution for a “cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-use-of-unchecked-types-and-library-functions“ flag?
Can you otherwise think of any un-implemented profile-related features that we might be able to tackle in LLVM?

Many thanks,


I believe Bounds.4 maps to SL.Con.3, for which there’s a PR ongoing:

Oh, wow, turns out sebwolf-de, who submitted the PR, is from our university!
We’re talking offline now and hope to have some more contributions ready soon.
Sometimes, the world does appear to be quite small :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help, @carlosgalvezp!