RFC: Devirtualization v2

Hi folks,

here is a link to the proposal that we’ve been working on lately:

But for the record, I also paste it here. Feedback will be really appreciated!

RFC: C++ Devirtualization v2

Piotr Padlewski - piotr.padlewski@gmail.com

Krzysztof Pszeniczny - krzysztof.pszeniczny@gmail.com

Jakub Kuderski - kubakuderski@gmail.com

Richard Smith - RichardSmith@google.com

This proposal describes a new model of representing pointers to dynamic objects as “fat pointers”. It is designed to solve the hole in the previous devirtualization model that could cause miscompilation. We believe that solving this is very important, especially with the mitigation of the recent Spectre vulnerability - retpolines.

# Introduction to previous devirtualization

In the previous model we introduced invariant.group to LLVM as a way of saying “this load will produce the same value if given the same argument”, which was applied on loads from virtual pointer to communicate that virtual pointer (or in other words, dynamic type) does not change during the lifetime of an object. Because virtual pointer might be set multiple times during construction and destruction of derived types, and because it is possible to change the dynamic type of an object using placement new, invariant.group.barrier was introduced. It is used in every place where the dynamic type might change. To turn devirtualization on user had to specify the -fstrict-vtable-pointers flag for clang.

If you want to learn more about the previous model, check out [0][1][2][3]. Although the previous model is not sound for C++, languages like Java or Scala can safely use it. This is because virtual pointer in Java is set only once for every dynamic type, and you can’t do things like placement new, which means 2 aliasing pointers will always have the same dynamic type (also because every pointer still points to a valid object).

# The problem

The old model miscompiles on the following example:

A *a = new A;

A *b = new(a) B;
if (a == b)
b->foo(); // This call could be devirtualized to A::foo()

The problem is that GVN and other pass replaces the SSA value of b with a based on the a==b comparison, which is a totally legal optimization in LLVM and we surely still want to do it. In C++ however, If you replaced b with a inside the if statement’s body, then you would introduce UB. The problem arises because after changing %b to %a in LLVM, the load from virtual pointer can be devirtualized to different type.

%vtable_a = load %a, !invariant.group

; %a == %b
%bool = icmp %a, %b
br %bool, %if, %after
; if this will be changed to %a, then the optimizer will be able to replace
; %vtable_b with %vtable_a
%vtable_b = load %b, !invariant.group

For other corner cases check out appendix.


The proposed solution is to model pointers to dynamic types as “fat pointers”. We can think of them as pointers that also store the current dynamic type. Virtual calls would consist of virtual pointer load from fat pointer. We will still use invariant.groups for the devirtualization. The difference is that accessing class field, or comparing pointers to dynamic objects would require a call to a new intrinsic - i8* llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* ) to firstly get pointer without information about dynamic type. Creation (or reloading) of fat pointer would be done by call to new intrinsic - i8* llvm.launder.invariant.group(i8*) that replaces llvm.invariant.group.barrier.

The pointer comparison will now not be an issue, because the optimizer will not be able to replace the operand of a virtual pointer load with another pointer:

%vtable_a = load i8* %a, !invariant.group !{}
; %a == %b
%addr_a = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %a)
%addr_b = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %b)

%bool = icmp %addr_a, %addr_b
br %bool, %if, %after
; This will not be able to change %b to %a
%vtable_b = load i8* %b, !invariant.group !{}

It is important to notice that vtable load of %b cannot be replaced with a load of %addr_b Although the optimizer could potentially figure out that %b and %addr_b are aliasing, the aliasing rules are not strong enough to make this transformation valid. One counterexample could be that although both pointers are pointing to the same memory, one could be a pointer to mmap’ed memory with no write/load permission.

The Solution formalized

Formally, to virtually mark pointers as optionally belonging to invariant groups subject to the following rules:

  • alloca and library malloc-like functions return pointers belonging to fresh invariant groups

  • belonging to an invariant group is preserved by bitcasts

  • an intrinsic, i8* llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8*) returns its argument with the invariant group virtual metadata stripped

  • an intrinsic, i8* llvm.launder.invariant.group(i8*) returns its argument with a fresh invariant group virtual metadata, i.e. it starts a new invariant group. This is similar to C++'s std::launder.

  • every load and store marked !invariant.group from/to pointers belonging to the same invariant group must load/store the same value

  • the behaviour of a load or store marked !invariant.group from/to pointers not belonging to any invariant group (e.g. obtained from llvm.strip.invariant.group) is undefined

  • constructors may assume the this pointer passed to them belongs to a fresh invariant group

From those rules one easily gets:

  • llvm.strip.invariant.group is a pure function, i.e. its value depends only on its argument. Its llvm attributes include at least: readnone speculatable nounwind. Its results must alias its argument.

  • llvm.launder.invariant.group is not a pure function: it creates a fresh invariant group each time it’s called. One may mentally model this as getting a fresh invariant group identifier somewhere from a ‘magic’ memory inaccessible to no-one else, so its llvm attributes include at least: inaccessiblememonly speculatable nounwind. Its results must alias its argument.

  • strip({strip,launder}(X)) = strip(X). This is because we do not care which particular invariant group metadata is stripped.

  • launder({strip,launder}(X)) may be replaced with launder(X) by the optimiser. Note that this not mean that launder(launder(X)) = launder(X)in the IR itself, but only on a metalanguage level: launder is inherently nondeterministic, so no two invocations of it ever return the same value.

This allows to compile the following C++ constructs:

  • vtable loads required to perform virtual calls are marked with !invariant.group, as before

  • constructors of derived classes need to launder the this pointer before passing it to the constructors of base classes: they may subsequently operate on the original this pointer

  • likewise, destructors of derived classes need to launder the this pointer before passing it to the destructors of base classes

  • placement new and std::launder need to call launder

  • accesses to union members need to call launder, because the active member of the union may have changed since the last visible access

  • whenever two pointers are to be compared, they must be stripped first, because we want the comparison to provide information about the address equality, and not about invariant group equality

  • likewise, whenever a pointer is to be cast to an integer type, it must be stripped first

  • whenever an integer is cast to a pointer type, the result must be laundered before it is used, to prevent reasoning about the equality of integers to provide any information about equality of invariant groups

Note that adding calls to strip and launder related to pointer comparisons and integer<->pointer conversions will not cause any semantic information to be lost: if any piece of information could be inferred by the optimiser about some collection of variables (e.g. that two pointers are equal) can be inferred now about their stripped versions, no matter how many strip and launder calls have been made to obtain them in the IR. As an example, the C++ expression ptr == std::launder(ptr) will be optimised to true, because it will compare strip(ptr) with strip(launder(ptr)), which are indeed equal according to our rules.

Semantics of strip.invariant.group

llvm.strip.invariant.group is a readnone speculatable nounwind function that takes a fat pointer as argument and returns a pointer with stripped information about dynamic type. The returned value must alias with its argument.

Semantics of launder.invariant.group

llvm.launder.invariant.group is a inaccessiblememonly speculatable nounwind function that takes a pointer argument and a returns pointer that represents concept of a fat pointer containing dynamic information. The returned value must alias with its argument.

We can think of it, as a function that uses magic memory (virtual inaccessible bits in the pointer) for generating new identifier for dynamic type.

# Why we need another ‘barrier’?

Because stripping the information from the same pointer returns the same result, which is not the case if we would use launder.invariant.group instead:

%a = strip(%x)

%b = strip(%x)

cmp eq %a, %b => cmp eq %a, %a

Note also that stripping dynamic type information from laundered pointer is the same as stripping information from the pointer itself:

strip(launder(%x)) => strip(%x)

Strip is also idempotent, because stripping 2 times gives the same as stripping one time:

strip(strip(%x)) => strip(%x)

# Examples with code snippets

Here are a couple of examples of emitted LLVM, assuming definition of type A and B as below. Note that no optimizations has been applied to this examples. If you want to see full code code check this snippet:


and this one to see how it is optimized by current pipeline:


struct A {
virtual void foo();
int field;

struct B : A {
void foo() override;
int field2;

## Constructor:


define linkonce_odr void @A_A(%struct.A ) {
%2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A, %struct.A * %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 (…)
* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ({ [3 x i8*] }, { [3 x i8*] }* @vtable_for_A, i64 0, inrange i32 0, i64 2) to i32 (…)), i32 (…) * %2, align 8, !invariant.group !0
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A, %struct.A* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i32 0, i32* %3
ret void

define linkonce_odr void @B_B(%struct.B *) {
%2 = bitcast %struct.B * %0 to i8 *
%3 = tail call i8 * @llvm.invariant.group.barrier.p0i8(i8 * %2)
%4 = bitcast i8 * %3 to %struct.A *

tail call void @A_A(%struct.A * %4)
%5 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.B, %struct.B * %0, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0
store i32 (…)** bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ({ [3 x i8*] }, { [3 x i8*] }* @vtable_for_B, i64 0, inrange i32 0, i64 2) to i32 (…)), i32 (…) * %5, align 8, !invariant.group !0
ret void

After: ctors and dtors take fat pointer as argument and uses @llvm.strip.invariant.group for setting fields.

define linkonce_odr void @A_A(%struct.A ) {
%2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A, %struct.A * %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 (…)
* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ({ [3 x i8*] }, { [3 x i8*] }* @vtable_for_A, i64 0, inrange i32 0, i64 2) to i32 (…)), i32 (…) * %2, align 8, !invariant.group !0

%fatcast = bitcast %struct.A* %0 to i8*
%base = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %fatcast)
%ptr = bitcast i8* %base to %struct.A*

%3 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A, %struct.A* %ptr, i64 0, i32 1
store i32 0, i32* %3
ret void

define linkonce_odr void @B_B(%struct.B *) {
%2 = bitcast %struct.B * %0 to i8 *
%3 = tail call i8 * @llvm.launder.invariant.group(i8 * %2)
%4 = bitcast i8 * %3 to %struct.A *

tail call void @A_A(%struct.A * %4)
%5 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.B, %struct.B * %0, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0
store i32 (…)** bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ({ [3 x i8*] }, { [3 x i8*] }* @vtable_for_B, i64 0, inrange i32 0, i64 2) to i32 (…)), i32 (…) * %5, align 8, !invariant.group !0
ret void

## Virtual call, placement new and fields:

int foo(A * a) {
a->field = 32;
int p = a->field;
return p;

void bar() {
A *a = new A;
A * b = new (a) B;
if (a == b)


define i32 @foo(%struct.A ) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
%2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A, %struct.A
%0, i64 0, i32 1
store i32 32, i32* %2, align 8
%3 = bitcast %struct.A * %0 to void (%struct.A *) ** *
%4 = load void (%struct.A *) **, void (%struct.A *) *** %3, !invariant.group !0
%5 = load void (%struct.A ), void (%struct.A *) ** %4, !invariant.load !0
tail call void %5(%struct.A * %0)

%gep2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A, %struct.A* %0, i64 0, i32 1
%6 = load i32, i32* %gep2, align 8
%7 = load void (%struct.A *), void (%struct.A ) * %3, !invariant.group !0
%8 = load void (%struct.A ), void (%struct.A )
%7, !invariant.load !0
tail call void %8(%struct.A * %0)
ret i32 %6

define void @bar() local_unnamed_addr #0 {
%1 = tail call i8* @operator_new(i64 16)
%2 = bitcast i8* %1 to %struct.A*
tail call void @A_A(%struct.A * nonnull %2)
%3 = tail call i32 @foo(%struct.A * nonnull %2)

%4 = bitcast %struct.A * %2 to i8 *
%5 = tail call i8 * @llvm.invariant.group.barrier.p0i8(i8 * %4)
%6 = bitcast i8 * %5 to %struct.B *

tail call void @B_B(%struct.B * nonnull %6) #5

%c = bitcast %struct.B * %6 to %struct.A *
%bool = icmp eq %struct.A* %2, %c
br i1 %bool, label %if, label %end

%7 = bitcast %struct.B * %6 to %struct.A *
%8 = bitcast %struct.A * %7 to void (%struct.A )* *
%9 = load void (%struct.A *), void (%struct.A ) * %8, !invariant.group !0
%10 = load void (%struct.A ), void (%struct.A )
%9, !invariant.load !0
tail call void %10(%struct.A * nonnull %7)
br label %end
ret void


define i32 @foo(%struct.A *) local_unnamed_addr #0 {

%fatcast = bitcast %struct.A* %0 to i8*
%base = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %fatcast)
%ptr = bitcast i8* %base to %struct.A*

%2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A, %struct.A* %ptr, i64 0, i32 1
store i32 32, i32* %2, align 8
%3 = bitcast %struct.A * %0 to void (%struct.A *) ** *
%4 = load void (%struct.A *) **, void (%struct.A *) *** %3, !invariant.group !0
%5 = load void (%struct.A ), void (%struct.A *) ** %4, !invariant.load !0
tail call void %5(%struct.A * %0)

%fatcast2 = bitcast %struct.A* %0 to i8*
%base2 = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %fatcast)
%ptr2 = bitcast i8* %base to %struct.A*
%gep2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A, %struct.A* %ptr, i64 0, i32 1

%6 = load i32, i32* %gep2, align 8
%7 = load void (%struct.A *), void (%struct.A ) * %3, !invariant.group !0
%8 = load void (%struct.A ), void (%struct.A )
%7, !invariant.load !0
tail call void %8(%struct.A * %0)
ret i32 %6

define void @bar() local_unnamed_addr #0 {
%1 = tail call i8* @operator_new(i64 16)
; note that we don’t need this launder
%fat = call i8* @llvm.launder.invariant.group(i8* %1)
%2 = bitcast i8* %fat to %struct.A*
tail call void @A_A(%struct.A * nonnull %2)
%3 = tail call i32 @foo(%struct.A * nonnull %2)

%4 = bitcast %struct.A * %2 to i8 *
%5 = tail call i8 * @llvm.launder.invariant.group(i8 * %4)
%6 = bitcast i8 * %5 to %struct.B *

tail call void @B_B(%struct.B * nonnull %6) #5

%fatcast_a = bitcast %struct.A* %2 to i8*
%a1 = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %fatcast_a)
%fatcast_b = bitcast %struct.B* %6 to i8*
%b2 = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %fatcast_b)

%bool = icmp eq i8* %a1, %b2
br i1 %bool, label %if, label %end

%7 = bitcast %struct.B * %6 to %struct.A *
%8 = bitcast %struct.A * %7 to void (%struct.A )* *
%9 = load void (%struct.A *), void (%struct.A ) * %8, !invariant.group !0
%10 = load void (%struct.A ), void (%struct.A )
%9, !invariant.load !0
tail call void %10(%struct.A * nonnull %7)
br label %end
ret void

# Required changes## LLVM

Because LTO between a module with and without devirtualization will be invalid, we will need to break LLVM level ABI. This is however already implemented, because LTO between modules with invariant.group.barriers and without is also invalid. This also means that if we don’t want to break ABI between modules with and without optimizations, we will need to have invariant.barriers and fatpointer.create/strip turned on all the time. For the users it will means that when switching to new compiler, they will have to recompile all of the generated object files for LTO builds.


Clang will require a couple of minor changes in CodeGen for constructors and destructors.

# # Acknowledgment

Special thanks for the initiators of this idea - Richard Smith, Chandler Carruth and Sanjoy Das and also for all the other people who took a part in helping with devirtualization v1 including: Daniel Berlin, Reid Kleckner, David Majnemer, John McCall.


[0] - Devirtualization in LLVM, Proceeding SPLASH Companion 2017 Proceedings Companion of the 2017 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity - https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3135947

[1] - RFC: Devirtualization in LLVM (ver 1) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f2SGa4TIPuBGm6y6YO768GrQsA8awNfGEJSBFukLhYA/edit?usp=sharing

[2] - Devirtualization in LLVM - LLVM Dev meeting 2016 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMhV6d3B1Vk

[3] - Devirtualization in LLVM and Clang - llvm blog- http://blog.llvm.org/2017/03/devirtualization-in-llvm-and-clang.html


Here are some other corner cases that we found.


Because union can have dynamic types as members, this means that they would have the same address. To solve this we emit launder.invariant.group before getting any dynamic type. It is possible that we could somehow avoid it, but because virtually no one is using unions this way, this should not cause any problems.

struct A {

virtual void foo();


struct B : A {

void foo() override;


union U {

A a;

B b;

U() : b() {}


void do_call(A &a) {



attribute((noinline)) void init_B(U &u) {

new(&u.b) B;


void union_test(U &u) {


new(&u.a) A;





int main() {

U u;



Ptr to int

In this example, instead of comparing the pointers we compare the addresses stored in integers. Because ptrtoint conversion will also require call to strip.invariant.group, this will also work.

void ptr_to_int() {

A *a = new A;


A *b = new(a) B;

auto av = (uintptr_t)a;

auto bv = (uintptr_t)b;

if (av == bv)



# int to ptr

Here because we are creating a fat pointer from integer, we need to use launder:

void foo(Base base) {
uintptr_t base_int = (uintptr_t)base;
base_int = ptrtoint (strip base) /
Base base_int_ptr = (Base)base_int;
base_int_ptr = inttoptr base_int = inttoptr (ptrtoint (strip base)) = strip base */

Derived derived = std::launder(base);
uintptr_t derived_int = (uintptr_t)derived;
derived_int = ptrtoint (strip derived) /
Note: base_int == derived_int /

Base derived_int_ptr = (Base)derived_int;
derived_int_ptr = inttoptr (ptrtoint (strip derived)) /
Note: base_int_ptr == derived_int_ptr /
BUG: But it’s different than base_int_ptr->vfun()! */

Sounds like it works!

Basically, adding these extra strip.invariant.group calls before pointer comparisons breaks the transform that was problematic. Presumably, clang would only strip invariant groups from pointers to dynamic types before casting them or using them in a comparison, so that the value equivalence optimization still works in the general case. The proposal trades value equivalence power for more devirtualization power.

One downside is that it may add many new IR instructions, but I don’t see how to avoid them, as the whole point is to create distinct Value objects for use in the pointer equality comparison.

Sounds like it works!

Basically, adding these extra strip.invariant.group calls before pointer
comparisons breaks the transform that was problematic. Presumably, clang
would only strip invariant groups from pointers to dynamic types before
casting them or using them in a comparison, so that the value equivalence
optimization still works in the general case. The proposal trades value
equivalence power for more devirtualization power.

If optimizer was able to infer some equivalence of pointers before, it

should be also able to do it right now, and that is thanks to the
strip.invariant.group semantics. Compared to previous proposal, we do not
get any more devirtualization
power (assuming we didn't care about the full correctness) and hopefully we
do not loose any other optimizations. But ofc comparing to the -O2 we
definitelly get more devirtualization :slight_smile:

One downside is that it may add many new IR instructions, but I don't see
how to avoid them, as the whole point is to create distinct Value objects
for use in the pointer equality comparison.

That is correct, we do get more instructions (especially that the calls to

{strip,launder}.invariant.group usually need to have bitcast to i8* and
back from i8*) and I also don't see how we could avoid them (exept unifying
pointer types which I hope will happen some day), but the good part is that
because of the semantics of strip (especially readnone attribute) the
optimizer should be able to CSE all the calls to strip.invariant.group to

Hi folks,

here is a link to the proposal that we’ve been working on lately:

But for the record, I also paste it here. Feedback will be really appreciated!

RFC: C++ Devirtualization v2

Piotr Padlewski - piotr.padlewski@gmail.com
Krzysztof Pszeniczny - krzysztof.pszeniczny@gmail.com
Jakub Kuderski - kubakuderski@gmail.com
Richard Smith - RichardSmith@google.com

This proposal describes a new model of representing pointers to dynamic objects as “fat pointers”. It is designed to solve the hole in the previous devirtualization model that could cause miscompilation. We believe that solving this is very important, especially with the mitigation of the recent Spectre vulnerability - retpolines. # Introduction to previous devirtualizationIn the previous model we introduced invariant.group to LLVM as a way of saying “this load will produce the same value if given the same argument”, which was applied on loads from virtual pointer to communicate that virtual pointer (or in other words, dynamic type) does not change during the lifetime of an object. Because virtual pointer might be set multiple times during construction and destruction of derived types, and because it is possible to change the dynamic type of an object using placement new, invariant.group.barrier was introduced. It is used in every place where the dynamic type might change. To turn devirtualization on user had to specify the -fstrict-vtable-pointers flag for clang. If you want to learn more about the previous model, check out [0][1][2][3]. Although the previous model is not sound for C++, languages like Java or Scala can safely use it. This is because virtual pointer in Java is set only once for every dynamic type, and you can’t do things like placement new, which means 2 aliasing pointers will always have the same dynamic type (also because every pointer still points to a valid object). # The problemThe old model miscompiles on the following example: A *a = new A; a->foo(); A *b = new(a) B; if (a == b) b->foo(); // This call could be devirtualized to A::foo() The problem is that GVN and other pass replaces the SSA value of b with a based on the a==b comparison, which is a totally legal optimization in LLVM and we surely still want to do it. In C++ however, If you replaced b with a inside the if statement’s body, then you would introduce UB. The problem arises because after changing %b to %a in LLVM, the load from virtual pointer can be devirtualized to different type. %vtable_a = load %a, !invariant.group ;;; ; %a == %b %bool = icmp %a, %b br %bool, %if, %after if: ; if this will be changed to %a, then the optimizer will be able to replace ; %vtable_b with %vtable_a %vtable_b = load %b, !invariant.group For other corner cases check out appendix. # SolutionThe proposed solution is to model pointers to dynamic types as “fat pointers”. We can think of them as pointers that also store the current dynamic type. Virtual calls would consist of virtual pointer load from fat pointer. We will still use invariant.groups for the devirtualization. The difference is that accessing class field, or comparing pointers to dynamic objects would require a call to a new intrinsic - i8* llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* ) to firstly get pointer without information about dynamic type. Creation (or reloading) of fat pointer would be done by call to new intrinsic - i8* llvm.launder.invariant.group(i8*) that replaces llvm.invariant.group.barrier. The pointer comparison will now not be an issue, because the optimizer will not be able to replace the operand of a virtual pointer load with another pointer: %vtable_a = load i8* %a, !invariant.group !{} ;;; ; %a == %b %addr_a = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %a) %addr_b = call i8* @llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8* %b) %bool = icmp %addr_a, %addr_b br %bool, %if, %after if: ; This will not be able to change %b to %a %vtable_b = load i8* %b, !invariant.group !{} It is important to notice that vtable load of %b cannot be replaced with a load of %addr_b Although the optimizer could potentially figure out that %b and %addr_b are aliasing, the aliasing rules are not strong enough to make this transformation valid. One counterexample could be that although both pointers are pointing to the same memory, one could be a pointer to mmap’ed memory with no write/load permission. # The Solution formalizedFormally, to virtually mark pointers as optionally belonging to invariant groups subject to the following rules: - alloca and library malloc-like functions return pointers belonging to fresh invariant groups
  • belonging to an invariant group is preserved by bitcasts

  • an intrinsic, i8* llvm.strip.invariant.group(i8*) returns its argument with the invariant group virtual metadata stripped

  • an intrinsic, i8* llvm.launder.invariant.group(i8*) returns its argument with a fresh invariant group virtual metadata, i.e. it starts a new invariant group. This is similar to C++'s std::launder.

  • every load and store marked !invariant.group from/to pointers belonging to the same invariant group must load/store the same value

  • the behaviour of a load or store marked !invariant.group from/to pointers not belonging to any invariant group (e.g. obtained from llvm.strip.invariant.group) is undefined

  • constructors may assume the this pointer passed to them belongs to a fresh invariant group

From those rules one easily gets: - llvm.strip.invariant.group is a pure function, i.e. its value depends only on its argument. Its llvm attributes include at least: readnone speculatable nounwind. Its results must alias its argument.
  • llvm.launder.invariant.group is not a pure function: it creates a fresh invariant group each time it’s called. One may mentally model this as getting a fresh invariant group identifier somewhere from a ‘magic’ memory inaccessible to no-one else, so its llvm attributes include at least: inaccessiblememonly speculatable nounwind. Its results must alias its argument.

  • strip({strip,launder}(X)) = strip(X). This is because we do not care which particular invariant group metadata is stripped.

  • launder({strip,launder}(X)) may be replaced with launder(X) by the optimiser. Note that this not mean that launder(launder(X)) = launder(X)in the IR itself, but only on a metalanguage level: launder is inherently nondeterministic, so no two invocations of it ever return the same value.

This allows to compile the following C++ constructs: - vtable loads required to perform virtual calls are marked with !invariant.group, as before
  • constructors of derived classes need to launder the this pointer before passing it to the constructors of base classes: they may subsequently operate on the original this pointer

  • likewise, destructors of derived classes need to launder the this pointer before passing it to the destructors of base classes

  • placement new and std::launder need to call launder

  • accesses to union members need to call launder, because the active member of the union may have changed since the last visible access

  • whenever two pointers are to be compared, they must be stripped first, because we want the comparison to provide information about the address equality, and not about invariant group equality

  • likewise, whenever a pointer is to be cast to an integer type, it must be stripped first

  • whenever an integer is cast to a pointer type, the result must be laundered before it is used, to prevent reasoning about the equality of integers to provide any information about equality of invariant groups

Note that adding calls to strip and launder related to pointer comparisons and integer<->pointer conversions will not cause any semantic information to be lost: if any piece of information could be inferred by the optimiser about some collection of variables (e.g. that two pointers are equal) can be inferred now about their stripped versions, no matter how many strip and launder calls have been made to obtain them in the IR. As an example, the C++ expression ptr == std::launder(ptr) will be optimised to true, because it will compare strip(ptr) with strip(launder(ptr)), which are indeed equal according to our rules.

This proposal sounds great, even if it still doesn’t solve some of the problems I personally need to solve with invariant loads. :slight_smile:

I take it that the actual devirtualization here is ultimately still done by forwarding a visible store of the v-table pointer to an invariant load, just by noticing that they occur to the same laundered pointer and therefore must involve the same value. There’s no way of saying “I know what the value of the v-table pointer is even if you can’t see a store” when creating a laundered pointer. For example, in Swift we have constructor functions that are known to return a complete object of a specific type, even if we can’t necessarily see the implementation of that function; there’s no way for us to say anything about that function pointer


Because LTO between a module with and without devirtualization will be invalid, we will need to break LLVM level ABI. This is however already implemented, because LTO between modules with invariant.group.barriers and without is also invalid. This also means that if we don’t want to break ABI between modules with and without optimizations, we will need to have invariant.barriers and fatpointer.create/strip turned on all the time. For the users it will means that when switching to new compiler, they will have to recompile all of the generated object files for LTO builds.

Is there really no way to have this degrade more gracefully? I continue to be very concerned about frontend interworking here, either between different versions of a single frontend (e.g. clang 6 vs. clang 8), or between different invocations of a single frontend with different language options set (e.g. clang vs. clang++), or even between different frontends that produce IR that gets linked together (e.g. clang vs. swift).

How about this approach:

  • Instead of taking a meaningless !{} argument, invariant.group takes a string argument which identifies a metadata-dependent optimization. In your case, it would be something like !“clang.cxx_devirtualization”.
  • Functions have a “supported optimizations” list which declares all the metadata-reliant optimizations they promise to have correct metadata for. So e.g. clang++ would list “clang.cxx_devirtualization” on every single function it compiled, regardless of whether that function actually needed any metadata. I’m pretty sure metadata are optimized so that identical lists of options like this don’t take up more space just because they’re added to every single function in the module.
  • Interprocedural optimizations — which mostly means inlining — are required to be aware of the supported-optimizations list. The inliner would intersect the supported-optimizations lists and then strip metadata/intrinsics that don’t belong anymore.

But the idea that every single metadata-dependent optimization is going to create a new “IR ABI break” just seems unacceptable to me. Compiler optimization IRs are not stable things; compiler engineers constantly find new things that they want to express.


Hi John,

Yes, I think so. Although IIRC people have had significant trouble with llvm.assume — the work that’s just done for assume purposes has a nasty habit of sticking around.

Not yet, but it’s a goal. But even without that, Swift might call a C interface and the code on the other side of the C interface might be C++.

Even putting Swift aside, it’s not atypical to have a few C files in a majority-C++ project, or vice-versa. Or, for that matter, a few files that are compiled with different optimization settings.

Yeah. It also creates problems for people who are trying to make LTO-able static libraries; Apple encourages people to use bitcode for some things, and we’d like to do more of that.

Yeah, just losing the optimization in functions where you’ve actually merged different information is a really nice property.

I certainly think it’s fine for your summer project to just get the optimization working first.

When it comes time to actually harden the IR linker against this, I think we should go ahead and pursue the more aggressive function-by-function solution. That’s not because the whole-module solution wouldn’t solve the problem — you’re absolutely right, it would. But it seems to me that (1) the function-by-function solution is where we ought to end up, and (2) it’s not that much more work than the whole-module solution, because the big piece of work in either case is finding and stripping the right metadata and intrinsics, and (3) crucially, it’s not an extension of the whole-module solution — it relies on information being provided in a completely different way. If we implement the whole-module approach, it becomes a legacy part of the system that we’re stuck with in addition to whatever function-by-function approach we eventually settle on, and it probably permanently complicates the function-by-function approach.


*Note that adding calls to strip and launder related to pointer
comparisons and integer<->pointer conversions will not cause any semantic
information to be lost: if any piece of information could be inferred by
the optimiser about some collection of variables (e.g. that two pointers
are equal) can be inferred now about their stripped versions, no matter how
many strip and launder calls have been made to obtain them in the IR. As an
example, the C++ expression ptr == std::launder(ptr) will be optimised to
true, because it will compare strip(ptr) with strip(launder(ptr)), which
are indeed equal according to our rules.*

This proposal sounds great, even if it still doesn't solve some of the
problems I personally need to solve with invariant loads. :slight_smile:

I take it that the actual devirtualization here is ultimately still done
by forwarding a visible store of the v-table pointer to an invariant load,
just by noticing that they occur to the same laundered pointer and
therefore must involve the same value. There's no way of saying "I know
what the value of the v-table pointer is even if you can't see a store"
when creating a laundered pointer. For example, in Swift we have
constructor functions that are known to return a complete object of a
specific type, even if we can't necessarily see the implementation of that
function; there's no way for us to say anything about that function pointer

I think we have already solved that problem with calls to llvm.assume

intrinsic. After calling the constructor, we load virtual pointer (with
invariant group) and compare it with the vtable it should point to and then
pass it to the assume.

  call void @_ZN1AC1Ev(%struct.A* %a) ; call ctor
  %3 = load {...} %a ; Load vptr
  %4 = icmp eq %3, @_ZTV1A ; compare vptr with vtable
  call void @llvm.assume(i1 %4)

(from Devirtualization in LLVM and Clang - The LLVM Project Blog

If I understand it correctly, you should be able to use the same technique
for the constructor-like functions in Swift :slight_smile:

Yes, I think so. Although IIRC people have had significant trouble with
llvm.assume — the work that's just done for assume purposes has a nasty
habit of sticking around.

I had a problem with assume couple of years ago, but I think it looks much
better right now. We will how it works right now.

*LLVMBecause LTO between a module with and without devirtualization will
be invalid, we will need to break LLVM level ABI. This is however already
implemented, because LTO between modules with invariant.group.barriers and
without is also invalid. This also means that if we don’t want to break ABI
between modules with and without optimizations, we will need to have
invariant.barriers and fatpointer.create/strip turned on all the time. For
the users it will means that when switching to new compiler, they will have
to recompile all of the generated object files for LTO builds.*

Is there really no way to have this degrade more gracefully? I continue
to be very concerned about frontend interworking here, either between
different versions of a single frontend (e.g. clang 6 vs. clang 8), or
between different invocations of a single frontend with different language
options set (e.g. clang vs. clang++), or even between different frontends
that produce IR that gets linked together (e.g. clang vs. swift).

How about this approach:
  - Instead of taking a meaningless !{} argument, invariant.group takes a
string argument which identifies a metadata-dependent optimization. In
your case, it would be something like !"clang.cxx_devirtualization".
  - Functions have a "supported optimizations" list which declares all
the metadata-reliant optimizations they promise to have correct metadata
for. So e.g. clang++ would list "clang.cxx_devirtualization" on every
single function it compiled, regardless of whether that function actually
needed any metadata. I'm pretty sure metadata are optimized so that
identical lists of options like this don't take up more space just because
they're added to every single function in the module.
- Interprocedural optimizations — which mostly means inlining — are
required to be aware of the supported-optimizations list. The inliner
would intersect the supported-optimizations lists and then strip
metadata/intrinsics that don't belong anymore.

But the idea that every single metadata-dependent optimization is going
to create a new "IR ABI break" just seems unacceptable to me. Compiler
optimization IRs are not stable things; compiler engineers constantly find
new things that they want to express.


I haven't thought about LTO between different languages, thanks for
bringing that!
Can you actually use C++ objects without going through C interface? If it
is possible, then that is heavy.

Not yet, but it's a goal. But even without that, Swift might call a C
interface and the code on the other side of the C interface might be C++.

Even putting Swift aside, it's not atypical to have a few C files in a
majority-C++ project, or vice-versa. Or, for that matter, a few files that
are compiled with different optimization settings.

To clarify how it works right now - if you would do LTO between IR
compiled with -fstrict-vtable-pointers and without, then the linker would
throw an error. I can see it right now, that it pretty much stops you from
doing any LTO between different languages.

Yeah. It also creates problems for people who are trying to make LTO-able
static libraries; Apple encourages people to use bitcode for some things,
and we'd like to do more of that.

The other idea that we had, was to actually strip all the invariant.groups
when linking with module that does not have them. This, opposed to the
first idea would let us link whatever we want, but we could silently loose
some optimizations.

I like the idea that you proposed - it is somewhere between these two
ideas, as you limit the potential loses to only some functions and in the
same time you can link whaterver IR you like.

Yeah, just losing the optimization in functions where you've actually
merged different information is a really nice property.

However, if you agree that the option 2 - stripping invariant.groups from
whole modules - addresses all of your concerns, then I would propose to
firstly go with this idea and then optimize it if we would find a problem
with it.

I feel that it might be an overkill to implement it on the first go,
especially that we are not even in the point of thinking about turing
-fstrict-vtable-pointers on by default.

What do you think about that?

I certainly think it's fine for your summer project to just get the
optimization working first.

When it comes time to actually harden the IR linker against this, I think
we should go ahead and pursue the more aggressive function-by-function
solution. That's not because the whole-module solution wouldn't solve the
problem — you're absolutely right, it would. But it seems to me that (1)
the function-by-function solution is where we ought to end up, and (2) it's
not that much more work than the whole-module solution, because the big
piece of work in either case is finding and stripping the right metadata
and intrinsics, and (3) crucially, it's not an extension of the
whole-module solution — it relies on information being provided in a
completely different way. If we implement the whole-module approach, it
becomes a legacy part of the system that we're stuck with *in addition to*
whatever function-by-function approach we eventually settle on, and it
probably permanently complicates the function-by-function approach.


That's a good point, let's bring that problem back when the project

Do you know any other specific situations and metadata that would require,
or would be good if would use the same solution?


Ah, sure. It’s probably the right solution for TBAA metadata compatibility as well. Different compilers are likely to use different TBAA tag hierarchies, just because they have different rules for aliasing. In the absence of some way of officially declaring them compatible, we should assume they’re incompatible and strip them during inlining. In fact, it’s probably true that most annotation approaches are frontend-specific and should be stripped when merging information from different frontends.


IIRC, the root for TBAA metadata is an identifier tag for the schema. This prevents incompatible TBAA schemas from interacting with each other without having to strip either one.

If that’s true now, great; I know the scheme has been changed a lot since I last looked at it. I could also be misremembering what it was when I last looked at it, of course.


Hi all,

the patches for the proposal are waiting in the review for quite some time.
I am looking for people familiar with intrinsics, InstCombine and some other transform passes to review these 2 patches:



As a motivation, I can say that initial measurements on LNT show nice performance boost (80% on one microbenchmark, ~0.7% on 7zip)

