[RFC][Incubation] Request for incubating TCP dialect for MLIR

I would welcome a broader discussion about collaboration models and how we view the monorepo. I am extremely concerned with the amount of stuff that is put into the MLIR repository (and thus the LLVM monorepo) that is not up the the standards of the rest of the LLVM project. MLIR has a lot of older code that was grandfathered in for various reasons, but when it joined the LLVM project it didn’t fully adopt the LLVM contribution model (which is one of the requirements for joining the project).

Mistakes will always be made, but there is clear lack of alignment in the community and that is something we need to resolve. To be clear, I’m saying that MLIR shouldn’t be special here: we should either change the MLIR policies to align with LLVM or we should change the LLVM policies to allow more early and experimental stuff in tree like MLIR. We shouldn’t have two different policies.

This is a growing concern of mine, perhaps we can have a discussion/bof/etc about this at the LLVM Dev Mtg this fall.
