Runtime & idle time reoptimizer questions

Hello everybody,
    I would like to know more about runtime & idle time reoptimizer mentioned in the powerpoint presentations about LLVM. Which tool in the LLVM toolchain is responsible for this?

Where I can find more details on how reoptimizer is implemented? If someone can let me know any doc or specific source code file to look at, it would be helpful. I have also seen a similar post by someone in mailing list asking if the reoptimizer even exists and there were no replies posted to that.

Senthil Kumar

Hi Senthil,

This was a short-lived project which was implemented in the old sparc-v9 specific code generator, which has been replaced with the current retargetable and removed. I don't recall if the reoptimizer was actually ever checked into llvm svn, but even if it was, it is surely too old to be useful.
