`Sema.h` reorganization PR is going to land on March 5th

First of all, I’d like to thank participants of Clang WG meeting on Feb 21st for attending and providing their feedback on the matter despite the short notice. If you weren’t able to attend, minutes are available here: Clang C/C++ Language Working Group Meetings - Google Docs.

As the title says, we currently plan to land [clang][NFC] Regroup declarations in `Sema` by Endilll · Pull Request #82217 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub on March 5th, after 18.1.0 is tagged and merge conflicts are resolved. Because of the scope of the changes, it may potentially pose merge issues. If you find that the proposed changes are significantly disruptive, please mention the specific issues you have on the patch; landing the changes can be delayed to give people more time to prepare if necessary. I hope we can stick to the current date, as it takes effort to keep the PR up-to-date with main.

Feel free to leave suggestion for PR description in the PR, if you think it can be improved to reduce confusion for people updating their downstreams.

CC @AaronBallman @shafik @erichkeane @cor3ntin @anb @beanz @ilya-biryukov @rjmccall @bcardosolopes @tstellar @pogo59 @rapidsna @Jamie @to268 @ravikandhadai @ahatanak

(I apologize in advance for people I missed; I don’t know Discourse accounts of everyone who attended the meeting yesterday.)


Thank you! I’m looking forward to the re-org, and I’m hopeful that it’s not overly disruptive for folks. It will certainly help onboard new contributors by having better organization.

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Landed as [clang][NFC] Regroup declarations in `Sema` (#82217) · llvm/llvm-project@ac74d9e · GitHub