Thank you for that excellent summary. A few comments inline:
Hello all,
It was encouraging to see positive support for LLVM libc during the
round table discussion. For the benefit of those were not present,
below is a high level summary of what was discussed. I encourage
others to add items I missed here.
1. Many expressed a desire to use LLVM libc in sandboxed environments.
This requires that LLVM libc provide the ability to selectively pick
and choose pieces suitable for one's context.
Side Note: This is in line with our goal of building a modular libc.
Header generation etc are part of the solution to build a modular
2. Some of the members pointed out that LLVM libc should be
implemented in a modern language so that modern static analysis tools
and sanitizers can be used to test them.
Side Note: We have started the implementation in C++. So, I guess we
are already good with respect to this point.
I think we're off to a good start here, but there's C++ and C++. We should aim to use modern C++ idioms that reduce the likelhood of vulnerabilities. For the most part, libc interfaces have very simple memory management and so we should be in a good position to write code that is amenable to analysis.
3. Some of the members were curious about how we build the abstraction
layer above the OS-specific syscall layer. This did not lead to a
discussion about any particular way. It was more a discussion about
making a case for the need for an abstraction layer to accommodate the
differences across OSes.
Side Note: I agree that this will be interesting. I am of the opinion
that there cannot be one single solution libc-wide. That is, how we
build the abstraction layers has to be taken up on a case-by-case
There are two issues that I'd like to highlight here. The first is not so much the *kind* of platform abstraction layer, but simply the *existence* of a platform abstraction layer. It is far easier to modify an existing platform abstraction layer than to insert one from scratch. A few things to think about:
- Don't assume that all platforms expose file handles that are `int`s.
For example, on Windows a HANDLE is a pointer. For the C standard
`FILE*` abstraction, the `FILE` can contain an arbitrary handle, for
POSIX compatibility, some platforms will need to implement a file
descriptor table on top of the platform's native support. Don't
depend on that existing for non-POSIX APIs.
- Don't assume that all platforms support ELF linker tricks. COFF and
WebAssembly both have different linkage models that support
overlapping feature sets.
- Don't assume that you can open a file. Embedded platforms and some
sandboxed environments will want to bake resources into the binary.
Don't assume you can `[f]open` things like locales and time-zone
files. Add a PAL function to open a specific resources. On most
POSIXy systems, this may just be an `open` call in a specific
- Even if you can open a file, don't assume that you can open an
*arbitrary* file or network connection. Some sandboxing policies
require you to explicitly state intent for these (either statically
in a policy manifest or by dynamically presenting a capability).
4. It was also suggested to check whether we can write parts of the
libc++ implementations in a way that they can be used by LLVM libc as
well. The implementation of std::vector was pointed out as an example
where such a scheme can be attempted.
There was also some brief discussion about whether the same modularity approaches can be applied to libc++. If we can make a libc that supports lightweight embedded or sandboxed platforms with no filesystem and no locale support, it would be nice to be able to build a libc++ on top of it that also didn't expose these dependencies.
5. With respect to header generation, there were questions about
selectively including/excluding specific standards.
Side Note: My personal opinion is that there will be aspects like this
for which we will end up using a hybrid (macros + header generation)
+1. I really like where the TableGen approach seems to be going.