Thread state

In preparation for getting multithreaded debugging working in LLDB on Linux I’m trying to get the thread state in lldb::Thread objects to be kept up-to-date in some reasonable fashion. I recently added a preliminary test that checks the thread state of a single-threaded program and to my surprise that test fails even on Darwin platforms. The test initially fails because threads aren’t marked as stopped when a breakpoint is hit in the thread.

I realize Process objects have both a private and a public state and that the latter doesn’t always correspond to the actual state of the inferior process, and if I’m not mistaken there are some transitory times when the private state also doesn’t match the inferior’s actual state. I’ve also seen that Thread objects maintain a ‘state’ (which I take to be analogous to the Process’ private state) and a ‘resume_state’ (which I believe is the state the thread should go into after a resume operation). I’m stating all of this here so that if there’s an error in my understanding of the design it might be easier to spot.

I’ve been specifically trying to get the Thread state to be correctly updated when the inferior stops. I’ve found two ways of doing this:

  1. Have Thread::WillStop call Thread::SetState(eStateStopped).

  2. Have the ProcessPOSIX::SendMessage call Thread::SetState for the thread associated with the event.

Option 1 is pretty straightforward, but it feels like it might be happening too late in the overall flow.

Option 2 only solves the problem for POSIX platforms, but it feels more consistent with the current design. For the record, ProcessPOSIX::SendMessage is called by the Linux/FreeBSD ProcessMonitor callback function after they’ve figured out what a signal/trap from the inferior means. This potential solution is represented in the attached patch.

The reason I care about the thread state is that I’m going to need to manually stop background threads when something like a breakpoint happens and bad things will happen if I try to stop a thread that’s already stopped. The ProcessPOSIX::SendMessage method seems like a good candidate for where to stop the other threads, and so that’s why I’m leaning toward Option 2.

However, I’m not certain I completely understand the existing design in all of the related areas, so I thought I ought to step back and ask for feedback at this point.

Comments? Suggestions?



thread-state.patch (2.72 KB)


thread-state.patch (2.72 KB)

This seems like the sort of thing that if it can be done generically it should. WillStop does seem too late. Process::SetPrivateState is the call that triggers notifying the rest of the lldb world that the process has stopped, so you definitely want to do it before that.

In your suggested patch you are almost always doing it right before you call SetPrivateState, which suggests to me that probably it should be done there. If there is Process Plugin specific knowledge to figure out the thread state, you may need some virtual method in the plugin to do that, which you call from SetPrivateState.

But I am not sure what you mean by "multi-threaded debugging"? Are you talking about having the process (or at least some of its threads) stay running while some of the threads stay stopped? If you are going to start thinking along those lines than a static call on thread to set it's state isn't going to work. After all, you are going to get some notification from the target that a target has stopped. So you set that thread's state to stopped, and then send the event to the generic execution control. While you're processing that, another thread stops, so you change its state and send another event. But the processing of the first event is only mid-way through, so now it is dealing with a thread state that changed out from under it. No good.

If you really want to do "keep-alive" debugging, then which thread(s) participated in the stop needs to be recorded in the process event, and handled from there.


But I am not sure what you mean by "multi-threaded debugging"? Are you talking about having the process (or at least some of its threads) stay running while some of the threads stay stopped?

Unfortunately, we're still trying to sort out the opposite problem. Currently on Linux when we hit a breakpoint all the other threads continue running and we're going to need to stop them manually. This does still put us in the position of having to handle potential incoming thread/process events while we're trying to stop everything. I've got some ideas for how to deal with that, but nothing in place.

I prototyped an implementation which stops the threads from the ProcessMonitor callback and waits there for the stop notification, but it didn't handle the case where something other than what it's waiting for happens. I do have some tests which cause other things to happen in that time frame.

The problem with setting the thread state in SetPrivateState is that by the time I get there I don't know which thread caused the stop, and in my current situation that's the only thread that's actually stopped (on Linux). I might be able to use a local variable farther upstream to track threads as I'm stopping them and then set all the threads to stopped in SetPrivateState, but that would result in threads being incorrectly marked as stopped on Linux until we get the code working to stop all threads. That might not be any worse than the current behavior though.

BTW, I committed a test for thread state under 'test/functionalities/thread/state' earlier this week. In addition to showing the failure to mark threads as stopped after a breakpoint, this test currently shows an inability to resume a process after it has been stopped with 'process interrupt'. Both of these cases fail on both Mac and Linux. The problem with 'process interrupt' seems to be because the public run lock isn't being unlocked when 'process interrupt' is used to stop the process.


But I am not sure what you mean by "multi-threaded debugging"? Are you talking about having the process (or at least some of its threads) stay running while some of the threads stay stopped?

Unfortunately, we're still trying to sort out the opposite problem. Currently on Linux when we hit a breakpoint all the other threads continue running and we're going to need to stop them manually. This does still put us in the position of having to handle potential incoming thread/process events while we're trying to stop everything. I've got some ideas for how to deal with that, but nothing in place.

Ack, what a pain...

I prototyped an implementation which stops the threads from the ProcessMonitor callback and waits there for the stop notification, but it didn't handle the case where something other than what it's waiting for happens. I do have some tests which cause other things to happen in that time frame.

The problem with setting the thread state in SetPrivateState is that by the time I get there I don't know which thread caused the stop, and in my current situation that's the only thread that's actually stopped (on Linux). I might be able to use a local variable farther upstream to track threads as I'm stopping them and then set all the threads to stopped in SetPrivateState, but that would result in threads being incorrectly marked as stopped on Linux until we get the code working to stop all threads. That might not be any worse than the current behavior though.

lldb will handle the notion of many threads having stopped "for reasons" when the process stops. This actually happens on Mac OS X quite frequently when you have lots of threads. So if you can manage it, maybe it is best to hold off on calling SetPrivateState till you've stopped all the threads internally, then record in each thread why it stopped (either no reason if you just managed to stop it without anything interesting happening, or whatever the actual stop reason is if something else happened) and only then set the Private state to stopped, which will cause all the generic event handling to occur.

BTW, I committed a test for thread state under 'test/functionalities/thread/state' earlier this week. In addition to showing the failure to mark threads as stopped after a breakpoint, this test currently shows an inability to resume a process after it has been stopped with 'process interrupt'. Both of these cases fail on both Mac and Linux. The problem with 'process interrupt' seems to be because the public run lock isn't being unlocked when 'process interrupt' is used to stop the process.

I'll take a look at this.


Hi Jim,

What do you think of the attached patch? I've verified that this make the existing test for thread state after a breakpoint pass on Linux, and I expect it will also work on Darwin.

The patch basically assumes that all threads that were previously running became stopped when SetPrivateState is called. This isn't currently true on Linux, but we want it to be true and this is a step in that direction.


thread-stop-state.patch (3.29 KB)

At some point in the future (though not right away) we will want to allow a running mode where we have some threads that we keep alive and others we stop. At that point, the part of this patch where you do:

+ThreadList::DidStop ()
+ Mutex::Locker locker(GetMutex());
+ collection::iterator pos, end = m_threads.end();
+ for (pos = m_threads.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
+ {
+ // Notify threads that the process just stopped.
+ ThreadSP thread_sp(*pos);
+ if (StateIsRunningState(thread_sp->GetState()))
+ thread_sp->DidStop ();
+ }

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the feedback.

I thought about the multithreading model you mentioned, and that's part of why I tried to distribute the handling of this so much. I think the ThreadList handler could add some sort of check to see if each thread stops when the process stops, but that would put me back in the position of needing to know which thread initiated the "stop" and SetPrivateState doesn't currently seem to know that.

I wonder if Process::SetPrivateState itself will even make sense when the whole process doesn't share a state.

It seems like I'm in a bit of a quandary here. My other patch lets the POSIX process plug-in handle the thread state, which is nice for the POSIX stuff but leaves other platforms to find their own solution. This second patch puts it in the common code, but makes assumptions about what's going to happen. I pushed the actual setting of the thread state down to the Thread object so that subclasses could intercept it if they needed to do something more.

I'm happy to do it either way. The second patch seems marginally better to me, but I'm willing to defer to your judgment. I'm also happy to take a third stab at it if you see another way forward.


When we get to allowing the process subclasses to stop some threads and not others, my hope is we will be able to handle this by keeping the basic event structure in place, but expanding the "stop" event to specify which threads have stopped. And then if all the execution machinery is able to live off the state in the event that gets handed to us rather than digging down into the state of the process, it can operate on the sequence of virtual stops that come at it, only doing business on the threads in the events it gets. Actually, when we reach into the private state this it is generally an error even now, anyway, as for instance in the patch I made to the breakpoint's PerformAction a couple of days ago. There will be lots of devils in the details, but that general approach should work.

So there will still be "SetPrivateState" because that is the trigger to generate a new event. But the events will be richer, and the Process plugin will have to know how to populate them based on what it sees.

But maybe at that point we'll want to add a SetPrivateState(ThreadList &changed_threads) API to set the event properly. In which case, it does make sense to keep a version that takes no ThreadList, which means apply the change to all threads.

I started off this note unconvinced, but I think I've talked myself around to thinking this patch is okay...


Thanks, Jim. I'll add some comments to my patch indicating where things might need to be changed.
