Unable to build lld from llvm/clang source

I use CMake and Ninja to build llvm/clang from the latest source on Windows. There is an option I see in the CMake Gui program called LLVM_TOOL_LLD_BUILD, which I check. After generating the new cmake files I proceed to build with ninja. Ninja shows no errors so I look in the bin directory. But lld.exe is not there.

I can see lld.exe as part of past llvm/clang distribututions from 3.4.1 on up. What do I need to do to build lld.exe as part of my build from the latest source ?

It should build automatically. I use CMake and Ninja as well, and never had to specify any option to build lld.

Are you cloning the lld repo in the right directory? It should go in /tools.

It should build automatically. I use CMake and Ninja as well, and never
had to specify any option to build lld.

Are you cloning the lld repo in the right directory?

That woke me up. I thought it was part of the llvm repo. I have it now. Thanks !

< It should go in

See also: Getting Started with the LLVM System — LLVM 16.0.0git documentation to get everything in a single checkout.

You can have lld built by adding it to -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS in this setup.

It should build automatically. I use CMake and Ninja as well, and never
had to specify any option to build lld.

Are you cloning the lld repo in the right directory?

That woke me up. I thought it was part of the llvm repo. I have it now. Thanks !

< It should go in

<path to llvm>/tools.

See also: Getting Started with the LLVM System — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation to get everything in a single checkout.

You can have lld built by adding it to -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS in this setup.

Thanks for the information. I have been able to build lld successfully.