Unreachable CFG subcomponent produced by jump threading

Hi, thanks for the reply. Here is the actual IR. Sorry I cannot create a reduced example, because the IR needs to have a connected CFG and then one component is made unreachable. This is hard to reduce. I tried but the reduced IR no longer have this characteristics.

The actual problem is in loop deletion:
Use still stuck around after Def is destroyed: %12 = phi i16 [ undef, %10 ], [ <badref>, %21 ]

Reproduce by:
Opt -S -jump-threading -licm -loop-deletion xxx.ll

%12 = phi i16 [ undef, %10 ], [ <badref>, %21 ] was %12 = phi i16 [ undef, %10 ], [ %21, %32 ] before jump threading. As described in the original message bb32 was made unreachable in jumpthreading, but this phinode remains until loop deletion. Then because this instruction is in a loop preheader, we get the failure when the loop body is deleted. (This phinode seems valid LCSSA form because LCSSA check skips unreachable components.)

--------------------Start of actual IR----------------------
@c = internal unnamed_addr global i1 false, align 4
@b = internal unnamed_addr global i1 false, align 4
@h = internal unnamed_addr global i16* null, align 8
@f = internal unnamed_addr global i1 false, align 8
@d = internal unnamed_addr global i1 false, align 4

declare void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 immarg %0, i8* nocapture %1)

define internal fastcc void @j() unnamed_addr {
  %1 = alloca i16, align 4
  %2 = load i1, i1* @c, align 4
  br i1 %2, label %5, label %3

3: ; preds = %0
  store i1 true, i1* @b, align 4
  store i1 true, i1* @c, align 4
  %4 = bitcast i16* %1 to i8*
  call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 2, i8* nonnull %4)
  br label %10

5: ; preds = %0
  %6 = load i1, i1* @b, align 4
  %7 = bitcast i16* %1 to i8*
  call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 2, i8* nonnull %7)
  br i1 %6, label %10, label %8

8: ; preds = %5
  store i16* %1, i16** @h, align 8
  br label %9

9: ; preds = %9, %8
  br label %9

10: ; preds = %5, %3
  store i1 true, i1* @d, align 4
  br label %11

11: ; preds = %32, %10
  %12 = phi i16 [ undef, %10 ], [ %21, %32 ]
  %13 = load i1, i1* @f, align 8
  %14 = zext i1 %13 to i16
  br label %17

15: ; preds = %22
  %16 = icmp slt i16 %23, 77
  br i1 %16, label %25, label %27

17: ; preds = %25, %11
  %18 = phi i16 [ 0, %11 ], [ %26, %25 ]
  %19 = phi i16 [ %12, %11 ], [ %21, %25 ]
  br label %20

; CHECK: or
20: ; preds = %17
  %21 = or i16 %19, %14
  store i16 %21, i16* %1, align 4
  br label %22

22: ; preds = %20
  %23 = add i16 %18, 1
  %24 = icmp slt i16 %23, 7

25: ; preds = %22, %15
  %26 = phi i16 [ %23, %22 ], [ 0, %15 ]
  br label %17, !llvm.loop !17

; This bb will be deleted because in bb15 the jump to here is removed.
27: ; preds = %15
  br label %28

; This bb will become unreachable because bb27 is deleted, but it
; still has predecessor %32 so it won't be trivally deleted.
; CHECK-NOT: load i1, i1* @d
28: ; preds = %27, %32
  %29 = phi i16 [ %33, %32 ], [ %23, %27 ]
  %30 = load i1, i1* @d, align 4
  br i1 %30, label %32, label %31

; This bb will become unreachable because bb27 is deleted.
; CHECK-NOT: store i1 true, i1* @f
31: ; preds = %28
  store i1 true, i1* @f, align 8
  br label %32

; This bb will become unreachable because bb27 is deleted.
; CHECK-NOT: store i1 false, i1* @d
32: ; preds = %31, %28
  %33 = and i16 %29, 11
  store i1 false, i1* @d, align 4
  %34 = icmp eq i16 %33, 0
  br i1 %34, label %11, label %28, !llvm.loop !19

!17 = distinct !{!17, !18}
!18 = !{!"llvm.loop.mustprogress"}
!19 = distinct !{!19, !18}
------------------------end of actual IR------------------------------

Any suggestion is appreciated.

