Updated C/C++ frontends for LLVM 1.4

Dear LLVM Users,

In our current work on LLVM, we've modified the C/C++ frontend build instructions so that they build the frontend compiler as llvm-gcc and llvm-g++ (as opposed to gcc and g++). Additionally, we also modified the LLVM configure script to search for llvm-gcc/llvm-g++ so that the llvmgccdir option is no longer required.

While these changes are not in LLVM 1.4, they may cause problems for LLVM users who are using the C/C++ frontends from LLVM 1.4 but are otherwise building the latest LLVM sources from our CVS repository.

For this reason, we have built new C/C++ frontends that contain symbolic links between llvm-gcc/gcc and llvm-g++/g++. This should ensure that these binary frontends work both with LLVM 1.4 and our latest CVS sources. If you download the C/C++ frontends, they will contain the same binary programs as earlier downloads, but the tar files will have different checksums due to the additional symbolic links.

If you have any questions, please post them to the llvmdev mailing list (llvmdev@cs.uiuc.edu).


John Criswell