Use of merge commits in PRs under review

By way of background, note that we currently have documentation on the use of GitHub for reviews which includes guidance on how to update a PR. This guidance recommends against rebasing except for in specific circumstances, and makes no mention of merge commits.

In #76704 I attempted to make it more explicit that rebasing when the PR was made using a commit that fails CI as a base is useful (as the pre-commit CI results then show the pass/fail of the PR in question). @jyknight provided a great description of the potential use of merge commits instead, which it seems is already being used in a number of reviews. Apparently GitHub’s UI is more compatible with this approach than rebases.

I’m creating this topic for two reasons:

  1. To get input on whether we should encourage and document the use of merges for updated PRs. I’m not the person to lead the charge on this, but hopefully this thread can at least start the conversation.

  2. To try to unblock that PR, especially if deciding on 1) is going to be a lengthy process.

If the use of merge commits means that we can encourage merging in upstream changes much more frequently during review I’d definitely be in favour (provided there aren’t big usability barriers). For some types of patches, applying locally and kicking the tires is very helpful and also a good way to give better review feedback (e.g. exhibiting a missed optimisation). Now that rebasing patches is uncommon, you’re stuck either doing such experimentation on an older version of LLVM (meaning observations may no longer hold) or manually doing the rebase yourself which seems like wasted effort.

CC @jyknight @mehdi_amini from that thread (and ‘itrofimow’ who it seems isn’t on Discourse).

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I prefer PRs not to contain merge commits. Among other things, they break .patch files, which I often use to locally apply PRs.


This is about updating the PR branch when something changes in the main branch. The proposal is to merge main into the PR branch instead of rebasing the PR branch on top of main. When the PR is ready to merge, using squash-and-commit will remove the merge commits.

We have used that in another project that I worked on and it worked quite well.

Edit: Maybe I misunderstood your comment—when it comes to locally applying PRs, I usually fetch the PR branch from GH: pull/NNNNN/head.

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+1 for updating PR branches via merge commits.
We’ve been using it on a project I previously worked on, and it worked out for us well.

I’d like to note that recommending merge commits over rebase should help with recurring issue of people doing rebase wrong, generating a spam notifications to people who recently committed anything to main. Recent example is, but I guess it has been happening daily ever since we opened GitHub PRs. (I don’t commit to main too often, so corrections from those who have been exposed to this more are welcome)

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To locally apply PRs, you can append .diff to the URL to get the proposed changes in a form that you can use with git apply:

AFAIK, this is the same changeset as what will go in the squashed commit.

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I would highly recommend git fetch origin pull/74275/head instead of all that tedious mucking about with patch files. Then you can git checkout FETCH_HEAD or git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD or whatever you want.

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Or if you have gh you can just write gh pr checkout <pr>

Ultimately, it depends on what you’re using PRs for.

If you’re working with a mindset of “1 PR leads to 1 commit on main”, then merge commits are ugly but don’t cause any real problems.

If you have a PR that is really multiple commits (which is often useful!), then merge commits are obviously a very bad thing and you have to rebase instead.

I don’t think one-size-fits-all is the right approach here.


Can’t you merge while the PR is in review, and then do one rebase at the end? Wouldn’t that remove the merge commits? I haven’t tried it, just wondering.

Since we only support squash-merge PR, that final rebase shouldn’t change the end-result?

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+1 to documenting that merging main into the PR is the preferred way to incorporate changes from main.

As others have said, the merge commits will only live in the pull request branch. They will be eliminated by the final squash and merge action.

I hope @nikic’s use case can be addressed by the other suggestions in the thread.