Vector argument passing abi for ARM ?

Hi all,

I was wondering if there is a defined ABI for passing vector as parameter for ARM target.
For instance is this valid to write .ll statement like:

; ModuleID = 'bugconv.ll'
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-n32"
target triple = "thumbv7-none-linux-androideabi"

define arm_aapcscc void @bugtest_CALL(i8* nocapture %.T_0375) nounwind {
  %0 = bitcast i8* %.T_0375 to <2 x i8>*
  %1 = load <2 x i8>* %0, align 2
  %2 = getelementptr i8* %.T_0375, i32 2
  %3 = bitcast i8* %2 to <2 x i8>*
  %4 = load <2 x i8>* %3, align 2
  tail call arm_aapcscc void @bugtest(<2 x i8> %1, <2 x i8> %4)
  ret void

declare arm_aapcscc void @bugtest(<2 x i8> %c, <2 x i8> %uc)

and expect first parameter to be passed into a single 32-bit register.
using llc -mcpu=cortex-a9 -mattr=+neon
With LLVM 3.0 %c is passed into two 32-bit regs and code works.
With LLVM 3.1 it generate a misaligned load that cause a BUS error seems linked to promote element optimization.
With LLVM trunk it generates a misaligned load that makes the assembler fail.
I guess that to avoid such problem I need to convert small vector parameters into i32, right ?

Thanks for your answers
Best Regards

The argument passing calling convention is undefined for illegal types, such as <2 x i8>. The invalid misaligned loads on ARM sounds like a bug in the ARM backend.

Hi Rotem,

Thanks for the quick answer, how do I know which type is legal/illegal with respect to calling convention ?

Best Regards

Hi Seb,

Legal types are types which 'fit' into a machine register. They are defined in the file XXXISelLoweing.cpp and reflect the hardware. LLVM implements the different targets calling conventions in TD files. For example, this is the X86 calling convention file:


Hi Sebastien,

Thanks for the quick answer, how do I know which type is legal/illegal with respect to calling convention ?

the code generators are supposed to produce working code no matter what the
parameter type is. The fact that the ARM ABI doesn't specify how <2 x i8>
is passed just means that the code generators can pass it using whatever
technique it feels like (since it doesn't have to conform to what the ABI
says, as the ABI doesn't say anything). But it is supposed to work, the
fact it doesn't is a bug.

Ciao, Duncan.

Hi Duncan,

I also thought it was a bug, especially since it worked with LLVM 3.0, but since it is not defined by ABI, I was not sure if I need to submit it as a BUG.
I wanted to be sure that it is an actual BUG before submitting it and got the not-a-bug answer.
Here is a small example to reproduce the problem I'm experiencing:

; ModuleID = 'bugparam.ll'
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-n32"
target triple = "thumbv7-none-linux-androideabi"

define arm_aapcscc void @bar(i8* nocapture %.T0352, i16* nocapture %p) {
  %0 = load i16* %p, align 2
  %1 = bitcast i16 %0 to <2 x i8>
  %2 = getelementptr i16* %p, i32 1
  %3 = load i16* %2, align 2
  %4 = bitcast i16 %3 to <2 x i8>
  tail call arm_aapcscc void @zzz(<2 x i8> %1, <2 x i8> %4)
  ret void

declare arm_aapcscc void @zzz(<2 x i8>, <2 x i8>)
using llc as follows:
llc bugparam.ll -march=arm -mcpu=cortex-a9 -mattr=+neon,+neonfp -relocation-model=pic -o bugparam.s

with LLVM 3.0, it works, with LLVM 3.1 generated code contains a misaligned load:

bar: @ @bar
@ BB#0: @ %L.entry
    push {r11, lr}
    add r0, r1, #2
    vldr s0, [r1]
    vldr s2, [r0] # <= here load is misaligned
    vmovl.u8 q8, d0
    vmovl.u8 q9, d1
    vmovl.u16 q8, d16
    vmovl.u16 q9, d18
    vmov r0, r1, d16
    vmov r2, r3, d18
    bl zzz(PLT)
    pop {r11, pc}

with LLVM trunk, assembly looks like:

bar: @ @bar
@ BB#0: @ %L.entry
    push {r11, lr}
    add r0, r1, #2
    vld1.32 {d16[0]}, [r1, :16]
    vld1.32 {d17[0]}, [r0, :16]
    vmovl.u8 q9, d16
    vmovl.u8 q8, d17
    vmovl.u16 q9, d18
    vmovl.u16 q8, d16
    vmov r0, r1, d18
    vmov r2, r3, d16
    bl zzz(PLT)
    pop {r11, pc}
    .size bar, .Ltmp0-bar

and assembler complaints with following message:

bugparam.s:19: Error: unsupported alignment for instruction -- `vld1.32 {d16[0]},[r1,:16]'
bugparam.s:20: Error: unsupported alignment for instruction -- `vld1.32 {d17[0]},[r0,:16]'

So I guess I need to submit BUG report.
Best Regards

Hi Sebastien,

I also thought it was a bug, especially since it worked with LLVM 3.0, but since it is not defined by ABI, I was not sure if I need to submit it as a BUG.

yes it is a bug.

I wanted to be sure that it is an actual BUG before submitting it and got the not-a-bug answer.

I didn't read Nadav's reply as saying there was no bug, in fact he explicitly
said in his email that producing an unaligned load was a bug.

Ciao, Duncan.

Hi Duncan & Nadav,

To make things clear, my statement "I wanted to be sure that it is an actual BUG before submitting it and got the not-a-bug answer." was not aimed at Nadav at all. It was a generic statement.

Thanks for time you spent answering questions
Best Regards