Which is the best way to configure clang?


My objective is to create a tool using Clang to go through the AST. My question is:

Which is the best way to configure clang to this purpose?

I was following the instructions here: http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html#getting-started-quickly-a-summary

but I had some problems when runningn make and I was recommended to try a release build. Now, I have a directory called Release+Asserts, but I would like to know what are you using to do the same as I intend to do. I’m not even sure if I have to follow those instructions as I found this other tutorial where the instructions to obtain clang are different:


I have also found the package libclang-dev to use it directly as a library, but I’m not sure if this would be another valid option:

Please, I need your help.
