Windows clang -fuse-ld=lld -fsanitize=address does not find libc symbols

I am using clang to link two object files on windows.

If i link them without -fsanitize=address with the following command

clang -fuse-ld=lld -v input runtime.lib

it is successful, and prints the invocation


while if i compile the two object files with sanitizers, then it fails to link because it cannot find puts, scanf and printf, which were the only 3 standard libraries functions used in my files.

clang -fuse-ld=lld -v -fsanitize=address input asa_runtime.lib 

i am not sure what is going on here, since the two invocations differ only by the extra libraries added to link against asan. I guess it is missing some extra library, but i tried to manually link against all runtimes installed along with clang, but it did not helped. Not really sure how to debug this.