Women In Compilers and Tools May 2022 Meetup Questionnaire

Continuing the discussion from Women in Compilers and Tools May 2022 Meetup: AMA with Professor Michelle Strout:

For the upcoming meetup, highlighting Professor Michelle Strout, we would love to learn about folks interests within the compiler and programming languages domain and how they were formed. These are free response and anonymous. Please do not feel required to answer all these questions, but pick and choose which feel relevant. This questionnaire can be submitted anonymously via https://forms.gle/TxHwV7mgrrES7Db39

The questions are:

  • What do you find most cool about compilers?
  • How did you originally come across compiler development?
  • Did you take a compilers course as a student?
  • Was a compilers course required at your school?
  • What are some ways you have found to balance family responsibilities or personal passions with technical work?
  • How would you compare the accessibility for contributing to compiler projects as opposed to other computer science domains?

Thanks Cyndy!

I just wanted to bring this post to people’s attention. We would love to get more participation from the LLVM community at our events. If you can fill out this survey, share with your friends, or even tweet about it… we would really appreciate it! We would also love ideas to reach more women in the field. For example - Are you a part of a Women in CS group at your university? Or at work?

Thank you for your help in making this event a success!