Women in Compilers and Tools Meetup Series starts April 22nd at 6pm PDT

The LLVM Women in Compilers and Tools Meetup Series is a free virtual event held each month. It is a platform where all women (trans, non-binary, and cis) in various stages in their career, speak openly, discuss, and network with others. This series will feature talks, tutorials, mentoring events and regularly highlights individuals for their contributions to the compiler, programming languages, and tools field and offers continued discussions concluding each event.

This series is organized by The Women in Compilers and Tools (WiCT) Community.o group. This working group is composed of volunteers in the LLVM community and supported by the LLVM Foundation.

In this series launch, we will be hearing from The Women in Compilers and Tools (WiCT) working group. This working group is composed of volunteers in the LLVM community who’ve put together this series. The WiCT working group will provide a Birds of a Feather style talk where attendees can learn more about the series and what to look forward to in the coming months! This will be a great opportunity to ask questions and network with LLVM community members and enthusiasts.

The first meetup will occur on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 6pm PDT. Please RSVP here:


Tanya Lattner