Project Infrastructure
LLVM Dev List Archives These topics were imported from the llvm-dev mailing list, a Mailman list that was used until February 2022 for communication regarding LLVM libraries, code generation, optimization, and some sub-projects that did not have their own mailing list. IRC For questions or feedback about the LLVM IRC. Website Discussion about the LLVM website, or support for other sub-project websites. Infrastructure Working Group Category for discussions of the LLVM Infrastructure Working group. Discord Discuss anything related to LLVM’s Discord server. GitHub Discuss changes to the GitHub setup or issues you may have accessing the source in GitHub. For commit access, please read the LLVM Developers’ Policy. Mailing Lists & Forums Ask questions about the LLVM Project mailing lists here. The commit mailing lists are hosted by Mailman. Documentation Ask your questions about building or changing LLVM documentation. Code Review For questions about code review tools and policies. Release Testers The official release testers are volunteers from the community and have consistently validated and released binaries for their targets/OSs. Please use this category to reach them. If you are interested in becoming a release tester, please see this webpage for more information and post in this forum to get started.