2.3 Branch Created!


The 2.3 branch has been created. I will now begin the pre-release testing and packaging. I will have the pre-release version tarballs and binaries ready on Monday, May 12th. I will ask you all to begin testing at that time.

If you need to check out the branch before then, here is the proper command (for llvm):

svn co https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/branches/release_23

The release schedule may be found on the llvm.org main page.

Have a good weekend.


Hi Tanya,

Are we allowed to patch the release branch yet? 50940 should go in.


Please send all patches that should be applied to the release branch to me. I ask that no one commits to the release branch.

Evan - I’ll apply that patch.
