2.7 Pre-Release2 Available!

The 2.7 pre-release2 is available for testing:

Please complete all testing by April 23rd EOD. We are shortening this testing period a bit to get the release out soon since its been delayed so far. The release team has done our qualifications and we think its of high quality and ready to go.

As this is the last pre-release, we only accept fixes for absolutely critical bugs as defined by our release criteria:

If you are able to test this pre-release, we ask that you try the following:

To test llvm-gcc:

  1. Compile llvm from source and untar the llvm-test in the projects directory (name it llvm-test or test-suite). Choose to use a pre-compiled llvm-gcc or re-compile it yourself.
  2. Run make check, report any failures (FAIL or unexpected pass). Note that you need to reconfigure llvm with llvm-gcc in your path or with --with-llvmgccdir
  3. Run “make TEST=nightly report” and compare your results with 2.6 if possible.

To test clang:

  1. Compile llvm and clang from source.

  2. Run make check for llvm.

  3. Run make -C tools/clang-2.6 test VERBOSE=1 (report any failures or unexpected passes)

  4. Reconfigure llvm-test/llvm to use clang to run the test-suite (make TEST=nightly report) and compare the results with 2.6 if possible.

If you think you have found a release blocker, please file a bug and have it block this bug:

We also ask that you try clang or llvm-gcc on various applications. Please note that any bugs found will be fixed in TOT, but not in the release.


The 2.7 pre-release2 is available for testing:

*Please complete all testing by April 23rd EOD*. We are shortening this
testing period a bit to get the release out soon since its been delayed
so far. The release team has done our qualifications and we think its of
high quality and ready to go.

As this is the last pre-release, we only accept fixes for absolutely
critical bugs as defined by our release criteria:
How To Release LLVM To The Public — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation

Can we make "0 failures in llvm-test" a release goal for llvm 2.8?
Its much easier to interpret the nightly tester output when you know
that nothing should fail :wink:

If you are able to test this pre-release, we ask that you try the following:

Tested on x86-64, Debian Linux, with gcc 4.4.3.
llvm built srcdir != objdir, using the prebuilt llvm-gcc binaries.

To test llvm-gcc:
1) Compile llvm from source and untar the llvm-test in the projects
directory (name it llvm-test or test-suite). Choose to use a
pre-compiled llvm-gcc or re-compile it yourself.
2) Run make check, report any failures (FAIL or unexpected pass). Note
that you need to reconfigure llvm with llvm-gcc in your path or with
3) Run "make TEST=nightly report" and compare your results with 2.6 if

To test clang:
1) Compile llvm and clang from source.
2) Run make check for llvm.
3) Run make -C tools/clang-2.6 test VERBOSE=1 (report any failures or
unexpected passes)
4) Reconfigure llvm-test/llvm to use clang to run the test-suite (make
TEST=nightly report) and compare the results with 2.6 if possible.

make check was all good.

Attached are the test-suite reports for both llvm-gcc and clang.

Should I rerun the testsuite with dragonegg (IIRC it will be released
together with 2.7, right?)

I'd appreciate it if someone could look at these and confirm that all
the failures are not release blockers, I'll only have time to do this

If you think you have found a release blocker, please file a bug and
have it block this bug:
6586 – 2.7 Master Bug

We also ask that you try clang or llvm-gcc on various applications.
Please note that any bugs found will be fixed in TOT, but not in the

Yes, I'll do my usual tests tomorrow.
I think last time I tested these with clang:
- ClamAV
- blender
- Perl
- OCaml
- Linux kernel
- valgrind

I'll also add these (since I build these from source anyway)
- a bootstrap of clang++
- mesa r600, swrast, llvmpipe (I haven't tested llvmpipe yet, seems
like the perfect excuse to finally test it, and see if it works with 2.7)
- xf86-video-ati

P.S.: ClamAV includes LLVM 2.7 + some patches from LLVM trunk, so I
did't ask you to add it to the "works with 2.7" section of the release
I'll try to do better for 2.8 and get all the needed stuff into it.

Best regards,

report.nightly.llvm-gcc.txt (82.3 KB)

report.nightly.clang.txt (82.3 KB)