2024 EuroLLVM Call for Talk Proposals

Happy New Year! The 2024 Euro LLVM Developers’ Meeting call for talk proposals is now open!

The talk proposal deadline is end of day (anywhere on earth) on Feb 4, 2024!


All developers and users of LLVM and related sub-projects are invited to present at the 2024 EuroLLVM Developers’ Meeting! This conference will be held in-person in Vienna, Austria on April 10-11 (Workshops on April 9) . All talks are required to be in person (this is not a hybrid event).

We often get questions about if you should submit a talk proposal, are you senior enough in the community, or is your project of interest. Don’t let these questions hold you back, and we welcome all proposals!

We are especially interested seeing talk proposals from those from underrepresented groups as your voice is very important and encourages those in a similar position to consider submitting a talk at a future conference.

We are looking for the following proposals:

  • Technical Talks (20 minutes): Talks on: LLVM Infrastructure, MLIR, Clang and all related sub-projects On uses of LLVM in academia or industry On new projects using Clang or LLVM
  • Tutorials (40-50 minutes*): In depth talks on LLVM infrastructure, MLIR, or other core libraries, tools, etc. Demos encouraged.
  • Student Technical Talks (15 minutes) Talks from students using LLVM, MLIR, Clang, and all sub-projects in research. This is not a competition, but a specific category for student talks.
  • Quick Technical Talks (10 minutes): Quick talks about a use or improvement of LLVM, MLIR, and other sub-projects.
  • Lightning Talks (5 minutes): Lightning fast talks about a use or improvement of LLVM, MLIR, and other sub-projects.
  • Panels (45 minutes*): Panels may discuss any topic as long as it’s relevant to LLVM or related sub-projects. Panels can take many forms, but a common format is to begin with short introductions from each panel member, and follow with an interactive dialogue among the panelists and audience members. Panels will be capped at 4 panelists and 1 moderator. Please determine your panelists before your submission.
  • Poster: Present a poster during the assigned poster session during the event.

*Exact times TBD after talks selected and the schedule planned

For each proposal you must submit the following:

  • Talk title
  • Abstract (1-3 paragraph description of your talk)
  • Submission type
  • For technical talk submissions, you can indicate if you would give a shorter talk (ie. Lightning or Quick instead of full length Technical Talk)
  • Photo and bios for all speakers
  • Short abstract for the website
  • Extended PDF abstract (optional)

If you have any questions, please email the organizers - eurollvm@llvm.org


Let me bump this announcement, as the submission deadline is coming close.

Also, let me share a bit of personal story here: I spent my whole working life in the industry – and know very well that for a lot of my colleagues writing a paper to submit to a conference is something from another life. We write code, not papers… This is true for ACM / IEEE conferences in general, but absolutely not true for EuroLLVM – industry talks are very much open! – and you have to prepare a presentation, not a paper, to make your employer pay for your trip to a beautiful Vienna (which is a pure magic in April)

“When will you realize… Vienna waits for you?” :slight_smile:

Advanced Software Technology Lab


Just a friendly reminder that the deadline is coming up on Feb 4th (end of day AoE).

We want to hear about what you have been working on! If you have never presented at an LLVM Dev Mtg before, now is the time!

If you have any questions about submissions, please let me know or email events@llvm.org.

We have extended the deadline for 24 hours to allow for the last few folks to get their submissions in. We can not extend the deadline any further. So, please get your submission in before end of day today!

Any way to get the slides?