2024 EuroLLVM Reminders & Call for Community.o Workshop Volunteers

2024 Euro LLVM is quickly approaching! We have an exciting program and a great list of speakers. It is not too late to register! However, there are a couple of upcoming deadlines to be aware of:

I also wanted to give a shoutout to our amazing sponsors for supporting Euro LLVM and the LLVM Foundation. Keep an eye on the event site for job postings from our sponsors. In addition, many of these sponsors will be represented at the Euro LLVM Sponsor Meet and Greet.

Volunteers needed for the Community.o & Newcomer Workshop:

I am looking for a few volunteers to help out with the Community.o & Newcomer Workshop on April 9th from 4:30-7:00pm. The goals of this workshop are as follows:

  • Welcome newcomers and provide them tips and tricks to navigate Euro LLVM.
  • Introduce them to the Community.o program and our goals
  • Provide newcomers with some basics on how to navigate the community
  • Facilitate networking to provide newcomers with a friendly face that they will recognize during the conference days

Iā€™m specifically looking for volunteers to give quick 5-10 minute talks on the following topics:

  • Your experience submitting your first PR
  • Guidelines when submitting your first PR
  • How to get notifications on issues or PRs that you care about
  • Advice on getting your patch reviewed
  • Leadership roles in our community and how to become one
  • Community.o tasks we need help with
  • Your experience attending an LLVM Developers Meeting and how to get the most out of it
  • How to start a meetup in your area
  • Advice on how to contribute to the project in other ways besides code
  • Open to a topic of your choice as long as it helps the goals I outlined above

If this sounds like something you can help with, please let me know. Those that volunteer will get free admission to the Community.o & Newcomer Workshop and Reception, plus a Community.o T-Shirt. Email events@llvm.org if you are interested.

Hi @tonic,

Does this mean that we will not be able to register a round table during the event?

The round table submission deadline is for roundtable scheduling that will appear on the online agenda and also secure a spot in the round table room. Impromptu round tables can be organized, as space allows, during the event and there will be a signup outside the roundtable room.

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