AArch64 Sync-up

One of the outcomes of the AArch64 roundtable (see summary here) was that folks are interested in a regular sync up. Let’s start with a monthly sync up and see how it goes.

I propose to have our first sync up Tuesday the 14th of November, at 4PM GMT / 8AM PST. Google Meet might be easiest (for me) to set up, and I have added a link for that the document where I would also like to keep the agenda and notes:

Feel free to add topics to the agenda in this document. I will send a reminder the day before, also to check if there are any more agenda topics.

Also feel free to comment on the proposed day, time, google meet, etc., I am open to any suggestions.

I am sorry I don’t know all names of folks who attended the roundtable, feel free to add/tag them here: @smithp35, @kbeyls, @MaskRay, @smeenai, @banach-space, @ramana.radhakrishnan,


I would be interested :slight_smile:. Is there a way to subscribe to get the invites automatically?

Thanks for pushing this forward!

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I don’t think we’ve found a great way for individuals to be able to subscribe to recurring online sync-ups or office hours.
What we do have is an LLVM community calendar. Organizers of office hours or online sync-ups can follow the guidance to create a meeting invite and have it show up on the LLVM community calendar.
But we haven’t found a good way to enable individuals to subscribe to such meeting invites easily.
Another drawback we still have is that the community calendar is shown in the UTC timezone, rather than the local time zone of the person looking at it.

@sjoerdmeijer : I guess you may still have to create a meeting invite and invite calendar@llvm.org so that it shows up on the community calendar?



Yes, that’s wanted I wanted to do yesterday. The calendar looked read-only to me. At least I didn’t see how I could add something, and I was planning on asking you. :slight_smile: Do you have a pointer how to do this?

Yes, as per this guidance, you should create a meeting invite in whichever calendar software your prefer. And then invite “calendar@llvm.org” to that meeting. If that guidance is unclear, please do suggest what wording improvements could make it clearer.


Thanks Kristof, the guidance and documentation is clear! I had overlooked the documentation…

Could it be that the meeting invite on the community calendar indicates the wrong time? It seems to me it shows the meeting to happen at 8am UTC, rather than 8am PST?

Thanks for letting me know @kbeyls , should hopefully be fixed now (let me know if you disagree :slight_smile: ).

I will take the opportunity for a first reminder that our first sync up is in a week:

Tuesday the 14th of November, at 4PM GMT / 8AM PST

(see also the calendar)