Hello LLVM!
The first LLVM Project Area Team Elections are officially open for voting! To accommodate the international nature of the project voting officially opened on 2025-01-26 at 12:00:01 GMT (sorry for the delayed notice), and will close on 2025-02-11 at 12:00:01 GMT. That means wherever you are in the world you can vote from 1/27-2/10.
You can find the ballots on the Elekto instance generously hosted by Red Hat at https://elections.llvm.org/. Each Area team is run as a separate election, any individual with LLVM commit access can login with their GitHub account and vote in all elections.
When you click on an election you’ll see a screen like the image below:
Some candidates have provided a candidate statement which you can view by clicking the “profile” link under their name next to their GitHub handle.
Three important notices:
(1) The lab where the voting service is hosted has regularly scheduled maintenance every Tuesday around noon GMT, and may be unavailable for 10-15 minutes around that time. If you encounter difficulty connecting to the site, please wait a while and try again before reaching out for further support.
(2) If you encounter any difficulty and need support please reach out to me on Discord in the #infrastructure channel. Note: my responses will be delayed this week as I’m currently traveling.
(3) Lastly, some of you may take note that there is not an election configured for the “Community” team. We had insufficient volunteers to form the Community Area Team, so we’ve decided to postpone an election for the team until after the other teams are elected. This will allow the Project Council to guide how to proceed.
Thank you all, now get out there and vote!