Build LLVM,Clang and libFuzzer

Hi, I am a beginner doing a project in LibFuzzer. I am trying to build the LLVM, Clang and Libfuzzer. I used the below script to do it.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
set -e
mkdir -p clang-src
cd clang-src
function brew_install() {
    local pkgname=$1
    echo "Ensuring $pkgname is installed"
    test -f .has-$pkgname && return
    brew install $pkgname || brew upgrade $pkgname
    touch .has-$pkgname
brew_install ninja  # Faster make replacement
brew_install cmake
echo "Cloning LLVM/Clang sources"
test ! -d llvm && git clone llvm
cd llvm
test ! -d clang && git clone clang
test ! -d llvm/projects/libcxx && \
    (cd llvm/projects && git clone libcxx)
test ! -d compiler-rt && \
    (git clone compiler-rt)
mkdir -p build
cd build
echo "Configuring LLVM/Clang for ninja"
cmake -G Ninja                                  \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug                  \
    -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=AArch64                 \
echo "Building LLVM/Clang"
cd ../compiler-rt
echo "Configuring compiler-rt which contains fuzzer runtime."
HOST_TARGET=$(../build/bin/llvm-config --host-target)
PATH=../build/bin:$PATH cmake -G Ninja              \
    -DLLVM_CONFIG_PATH=../build/bin/llvm-config     \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug                     \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang                        \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-I$(pwd)/../build/include     \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++                    \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/clang-devel/lib/clang/8.0.0   \
    -DCOMPILER_RT_ENABLE_IOS=OFF                    \
echo "Building compiler-rt"
cd ..
echo "Install clang into ${INSTALL_PREFIX}? Enter \"yes\":"
if read install && test "$install" == yes; then
    (cd build && sudo ninja install)
    (cd compiler-rt && sudo ninja install)
    echo "Not installing. Execute:"
    echo "   (cd clang-src/build && ninja install)"
    echo "   (cd clang-src/compiler-rt && ninja install)"
    echo "to install into ${INSTALL_PREFIX}"

I referred this from I tried writing my own cmake command, but I ran into errors like lld not found. When I run this script, I got the error

Building compiler-rt

  • ninja
    ninja: error: dependency cycle: include/sanitizer/allocator_interface.h → include/sanitizer/allocator_interface.h

The build process for LLVM/Clang completed without errors. But the error occurs when building compiler-rt. There were some warnings along the way like:

CMake Warning:
No source or binary directory provided. Both will be assumed to be the
same as the current working directory, but note that this warning will
become a fatal error in future CMake releases.

CMake Warning at cmake/Modules/CompilerRTUtils.cmake:281 (message):
LLVM_CONFIG_PATH is deprecated, please use LLVM_CMAKE_DIR instead
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:86 (load_llvm_config)

CMake Warning at cmake/Modules/CompilerRTUtils.cmake:326 (message):
LLVMTestingSupport not found in LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:86 (load_llvm_config)

Any help on how to resolve this or how to properly build libfuzzer, LLVM, and Clang would be greatly appreciated. My system is macOS 14.4.1 arm64 architecture. Thanks a lot!

I build LLVM with the command

cmake -S llvm-project/llvm -B llvm-project/build \
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=“-isysroot /Applications/”