Call for Workshops at the 2023 LLVM Developers' Meeting

The LLVM Foundation is exploring the idea of pre-conference workshops (October 10th) and have a limited amount of space reserved. We are trying to get a sense of interest from the projects within LLVM and if anyone wants to organize a workshop (similar to the MLIR workshop we had in the fall).

Workshops are a great way to have a concentrated gathering of developers within a specific subproject. Work presented at workshops would be less formal and focus on unfinished work that needs community feedback or project ideas, etc. Presentations at workshops would not be recorded.

This is a bit of an experiment to see what the needs of the LLVM community are and also how we can enhance the LLVM Developers’ Meeting going forward.

If you are interested in organizing a workshop, please submit this form by June 30th:


(Assuming we’re still doing round tables) what is the difference between workshops and round tables?

We are still doing round tables and in my ideal world I would love to see round tables be a result of discussions at a workshop and shared with a larger audience to get input from a more diverse audience.

Workshops are intended to be bit of an experiment to see how it content fits in with the LLVM Dev Mtg. I can imagine content presented at workshops would be less polished/ready and focus on facilitating discussion with a high concentration of developers in that part of the project. These talks are not recorded (like round tables), but are more organized and would have slides, etc. So somewhat similar to what BoFs started to become before we stopped doing them. There could also be the situation where a talk was not accepted at the LLVM Dev Mtg, but the organizers feel it’s a good fit for the workshop.

Attendance will be much lower at a workshop versus at a roundtable at the LLVM Dev Mtg. In addition, you will see a lot more cross project participation at the LLVM Developers’ Meeting as someone may not want to take a 1/2 day or whole day to attend a workshop, but can pop into a round table at the conference. So in short, you may get a different audience (or some overlap of the two).

Workshop organizers and myself will work closely to ensure that it’s clear where proposals should be submitted.

Will these workshops be available via online lectures on the youtube channel, along with the supplement material to follow along?

No. It is important to note that no recordings of these workshops will be made. Any tutorials or presentations that should be recorded, should be submitted to the LLVM Dev Mtg program. This is an important distinction that I want to make about content for a pre-conference workshop.

Today is the last day to get submissions in. We will not be able to take late submissions due to design of the registration system and opening registration up.