CANCELLED RISC-V LLVM sync-up call December 21st 2023

As noted in the last meeting, we’ll skip the usual slot this week as a number of people will be out for the holidays. We’ll aim to resume in the new year (Thu 4th Jan).

SG, thanks! I’m guessing you meant 4th of Jan?

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Thank you yes - now corrected.

Cool, see you in 2024! :grinning:

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@asb do we have the sync-up call this week i.e. on 4th Jan? I didn’t find the discourse page for this week’s meeting.

Yes we’ll go ahead with a meeting tomorrow for those who are back to it. Looks like there are probably at least a couple of patches to cover, though it might be a short meeting due to the holiday period and some people still being away. I’ve a placeholder here RISC-V LLVM sync-up call January 4th 2024 until I get a chance to firm up the agenda (either later this evening UK time or tomorrow morning). If you things to discuss, please do drop them in the doc. Thanks!