clang on Windows


After watching Chandler’s presentation and also hearing Visual C++ Express will be available only for Windows 8 Metro Apps, I got interested in contributing.

Any suggestions for a newcomer? What is the current situation, where to start, what people are already doing, any information is welcome.

Thanks a lot!

Best regards

Hi Cesar,

Any suggestions for a newcomer? What is the current situation, where to start,
what people are already doing, any information is welcome.

Michael Spencer has done a great investigation on this.

A quick summary of some issues:

Basically Clang cannot self-host at the moment due to the Microsoft C
runtime being non-conforming to C99. Mingw/cygwin works.

Most of the headers can be parsed, with the exception of MFC and ATL

Exception handling doesn't work.

Clang does not support VC-style inline assembly syntax.

There's no drop-in for cl.exe at the moment.

No PDB debug information is generated, rendering debugging quite useless.


I’ve run the tests on my Windows 8 box and got this:

– Testing: 4632 tests, 4 threads –
Testing: 0 … 10… 20… 30… 40… 50… 60… 70… 80… 90…
Testing Time: 226.37s
Expected Passes : 4585
Expected Failures : 36
Unsupported Tests : 11

1 warning(s) in tests.

Are there tests that can be used for measuring the progress of the Windows port? Or recommendation for creating more tests?

Thanks a lot for the attention! I am so happy for clang error messages, congratulations!!!

Best regards