Custom lowering of Store !

How can I custom lower the ISD::STORE?
I am using -enable-legalize-types and trying to customize most of our
operations in xxxTargetLowering::ReplaceNodeResults(...)
There are hooks to get trunk-store and indexed-store customized,
But I can't get regular STORE customized...
Any suggestions?

Alireza Moshtaghi
Senior Software Engineer
Development Systems, Microchip Technology

You have to modify SelectionDAGLegalize::LegalizeOp. Under case ISD::STORE: add code to handle custom lowering of store nodes.



How can I custom lower the ISD::STORE?
I am using -enable-legalize-types and trying to customize most of our
operations in xxxTargetLowering::ReplaceNodeResults(...)

are you trying to custom lower ISD::STORE when it makes use of
illegal types, or always? The Legalize*Types.cpp files are
only for when types are illegal, but then they do allow for
customization in a (fairly) systematic way.

