[DialectConversion]standard dialect to llvm ir dialect

the source

func @test_index_cast_tensor(%arg0 : tensor<index>) -> tensor<i64> {
  %0 = index_cast %arg0 : tensor<index> to tensor<i64>
  return %0 : tensor<i64>

I try convert it to llvm ir dialect with
./mlir-opt --convert-std-to-llvm test.mlir

But the pass doesn’t seem to work about op index_cast and return.

module attributes {llvm.data_layout = ""}  {
  func @test_index_cast_tensor(%arg0: tensor<index>) -> tensor<i64> {
    %0 = index_cast %arg0 : tensor<index> to tensor<i64>
    return %0 : tensor<i64>

The std-to-llvm conversion can’t convert from ops on tensor types to LLVM directly. Such input is too abstract for it. You’ll have to lower to memory/buffers (memrefs) before converting it to LLVM.

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