Easy builder for building IR in C++

Easy builder for building IR in C++

Sometimes in the transformations of MLIR, developers may need to use C++ to
build complex IR. For example, developers may expand math operators exp to
polynormial expressions when mathematical approximation is allowed. This may
result in tens of calls to builder.create<T>(loc, ...) in the expansion pass
implementation. Another example is that when a pass expands and tiles a matmul
operation, the developer may need to write lines of code to create scf.for and
scf.if, and manipulate the insertion point for the OpBuilder to create IR
with complex control flow to schedule the tile based on thread-id and cache
size. One can imagine that the C++ code to accomplish the above task will be
verbose and hard to read. The easy-builder utilities are introduced to
make it easier to develop C++ code building complex IR. Easy-builder is not
designed to replace the OpBuilder. Instead, it is built upon that, and serves
as supplementary IR builder for complex cases, like heavily using arith and
scf operations. Moreover, easy builder is designed to extendable for general
dialects, not just for arith and scf.

Examples using easy-build

This sections shows examples of using easy-builder to build complex IR in C++.

An example code to build IR (x+y-10)/(x-y+1), where x and y are unsigned
16-bit integers:

OpBuilder builder = ...;
Value x = ...;
Value y = ...;
Location loc = ...;

// start of easy-build
EasyBuilder b{builder, loc};
EBUnsigned wx = b.wrap<EBUnsigned>(x);
EBUnsigned wy = b.wrap<EBUnsigned>(y);
EBUnsigned result = (wx + wy - uint16_t(10)) / (wx - wy + uint16_t(1));

The result above can be implicitly converted to Value type.

In contrast, the code using OpBuilder to do the same task will have more lines
of code and less readablity:

OpBuilder builder = ...;
Value x = ...;
Value y = ...;
Location loc = ...;

auto x_p_y = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, x, y);
auto v10 = builder.create<arith::ConstantIntOp>(loc, 10, /*width*/16);
auto x_p_y_m10 = builder.create<arith::SubIOp>(loc, x_p_y, v10);
auto x_m_y = builder.create<arith::SubIOp>(loc, x, y);
auto v1 = builder.create<arith::ConstantIntOp>(loc, 1, /*width*/16);
auto x_m_y_p1 = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, x_m_y, v1);
Value result = builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, x_p_y_m10, x_m_y_p1);

Another example to generate SCF operations of nested control flow of scf.if
and scf.for:

auto init_val = b.wrap<EBUnsigned>(func.getArgument(0));
auto loop = builder.create<scf::ForOp>(loc, /*lo*/ b.toIndex(0),
                                       /*upper*/ b.toIndex(10),
                                       /*step*/ b.toIndex(1),
                                       /*ind_var*/ ValueRange{init_val});
EB_for(auto &&[idx, redu] : forRangeIn<EBUnsigned, EBUnsigned>(b, loop)) {
   EB_scf_if(idx == b.toIndex(0), {builder.getIndexType()}) {
   } EB_else {
      b.yield(idx + redu);
   auto ifResult = b.wrap<EBUnsigned>(b.getLastOperaion()->getResult(0));

The code will generate the function body of below MLIR:

func.func @funcname(%init_val: index) -> index {
  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
  %c10 = arith.constant 10 : index
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %0 = scf.for %idx = %c0 to %c10 step %c1 iter_args(%redu = %init_val) -> (index) {
    %c0_0 = arith.constant 0 : index
    %1 = arith.cmpi eq, %idx, %c0_0 : index
    %ifResult = scf.if %1 -> (index) {
      scf.yield %idx : index
    } else {
      %3 = arith.addi %idx, %redu : index
      scf.yield %3 : index
    scf.yield %ifResult : index
  return %0 : index

Overall Design

There are some observations on the C++ code for IR creation in MLIR transforms:

  1. Consecutive calls to builder.create<T>(loc, ...) often use the same
    OpBuilder and Location. Many mutations in the MLIR passes are to expand
    an operation into a sequence of operations. So expanded operations will share
    the same builder and the same location of the original operation.
  2. There is currently no C++ operator overloading on MLIR’s Value class.
    Developers have to break a long arithmatical expression into calls to the
    create<..> function.
  3. It would be helpful if MLIR provides helper functions to convert C++ types
    (like uint16_t and OpFoldResult) into Value.
  4. C++ RAII and use of macros could be helpful for building
    structured-control-flow IR (not just scf operations).

Easy-build is designed to improve the OpBuilder in the above aspects. It is
also extendable for different dialects and operations - developers can extend
easy-builder for a new dialect with reasonable efforts.

Easy-build provides EBValue class (“EB” here stands for “easy-build”) as a
wrapper for MLIR’s Value objects. EBValue also stores the reference to the
OpBuilder and Location. An EBValue is self-contained for creating new
operations based on it. This enables C++ operator overloading on EBValue. Note
that it is hard to implement operator overloading on MLIR’s Value to build new
operation, because it lacks information of the OpBuilder and Location of the
new operation to create.

Design details

Most of easy-build’s APIs are defined in mlir::easybuild namespace. This
section will introduc the key data structures of easy-build.


This class holds the “states” of an easy-builder. It contains the a Location
object, a reference to the OpBuilder and other configurations of an an
easy-builder. A shared-ptr to a EasyBuildState is attached to every non-empty
EBValue. Further creation of new operations based on a EBValue should use
the OpBuilder and Location in the referenced EasyBuildState. The newly
created EBValue should hold a shared-ptr to the same EasyBuildState of its

struct EasyBuildState {
  OpBuilder &builder;
  Location loc;


This class is essentially a mlir::Value with shared-ptr to EasyBuildState.
EBValue is a general base class for any values and itself does not enable C++
operator overloading for IR creation. However, developers can inherit this class
to restrict the Value to be held in a EBValue and enable some specific
IR-building utilities. In the example at the beginning of this document, a
subclass EBUnsigned is used to hold Value of “unsigned integer”. The line
EBUnsigned wx = b.wrap<EBUnsigned>(x); converts x of Value to
EBUnsigned. If x’s type is not compatible to EBUnsigned, a runtime
assertion failure may occur. Easy-build for arith dialects enables operator
overloads for EBUnsigned like:

EBUnsigned operator+(EBUnsigned a, EBUnsigned b) {
    return EBUnsigned {a.builder,
            a.builder->builder.template create<arith::AddIOp>(a.builder->loc,
            a.v, b.v)};

The created EBUnsigned should share the same EasyBuildState pointer of the

An EBValue object can be implictly be converted to Value:

EBValue wrapped = ...;
Value v = wrapped;

Please refer to sections Easy-build for arith dialect
for the subclasses of EBValue for arith operations. See also
Extending easy-build for dialects for
extending EBValue for a new dialect.


The EasyBuilder is a utility class for

  1. creating an initial EasyBuildState object
  2. wrapping Value, C++ numerical values (e.g. uint32_t, float) or
    OpFoldResult into EBValue or its subclasses, and setting the shared-ptr
    EasyBuildState of the created values.
  3. setting Location for the next created operation

The use of easy-build usually starts from creating an EasyBuilder. The
constructor of it will internally create an EasyBuildState object with the
given OpBuilder and Location.

Wrapping various values to EBValue

To convert various types of C++ values to EBValue or its subclasses,
EasyBuilder provides a template function EasyBuilder::wrap<T>(V) to convert
C++ type V into T, which is a subclass of EBValue. The result EBValue or
its subclasses’s should hold a shared-ptr pointing to the EasyBuildState of
this EasyBuilder. EasyBuilder::wrap may introduce runtime type checking for
the input value (implementation provided by the class T). When the convertion
fails, an assertion failure may happen at the runtime. An example of such case
is when we try to wrap a memref typed Value to EBUnsigned, the convertion
should fail, because memref are not arithmetic values.

EasyBuilder provides a similar function EasyBuilder::wrapOrFail<T>(V) which
returns FailureOr<T>. It has similar functionality of wrap(), except that it
returns failure() when the convertion fails, instead of triggering an runtime

#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/Utils/EasyBuild.h"

EasyBuilder b {...};
Value v = builder.create<arith::ConstantFloatOp>(...);
EBFloatPoint u1 = b.wrap<EBFloatPoint>(v); // OK
FailureOr<EBUnsigned> u1 = b.wrapOrFail<EBUnsigned>(v);
assert(failed(u1)); // convertion should fail

EasyBuilder overrides operator() to provide convenience converter for
general Value to EBValue and arithmetic C++ values to the corresponding
subclass of EBValue:

#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/Utils/EasyBuild.h"

EasyBuilder b {...};
Value v = ...;
EBValue v1 = b(v); // wrap Value to base class EBValue
EBUnsigned u1 = b(uint32_t(2)); // creating arith.constant of i32
EBFloatPoint u1 = b(2.0f); // creating arith.constant of f32

Setting source location

Users can set the Location to be used in the OpBuilder::create after a call
to EasyBuilder::setLoc(). New operations related to a EasyBuildState will be
created with the new Location set by EasyBuilder::setLoc(). The previously
created operations’ location before calling setLoc() will not be changed.

Creating operations using EBValues as inputs

Developers can call the template member function F<TOp, TValue>(...) of
EasyBuilder to create a new operation of type TOp and wrap the result to
type TValue, which is EBValue or its subclasses. This method is used to
generate general operations for EBValues. The operation will be created with
the current OpBuilder and Location of the EasyBuilder. For example, to
create an mydialect::MyOp operation with given EBValue as operands and get
the single result value of the operation as EBUnsigned:

EasyBuilder b {...};
EBValue v1 = ...;
EBUnsigned v2 = b.F<mydialect::MyOp, EBUnsigned>(v1);

Typical workflow for using easy-build

To use easy-build, a developer may first include the easy-build header and
optionally include the header for the subclass of EBValue for a dialect.

#include "mlir/IR/EasyBuild.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/Utils/EasyBuild.h"

Then in the code building the IR, create a EasyBuilder with an existing
OpBuilder and Location:

using namespace easybuild;
Operation* originOp = ...;
OpBuilder builder {originOp};
Location loc = originOp->getLoc();
EasyBuilder b {builder, loc};

Wrap Value or other C++ values to EBValue or its subclasses:

auto input1 = b.wrap<EBUnsigned>(originOp->getOperand(0));
auto input2 = b.wrap<EBUnsigned>(originOp->getOperand(1));

Generate operations via the wrapped values. The insert point and Location is
defined by the OpBuilder inside of EasyBuildState. The results can be used
as Value:

Value result = input1 + input2;

Easy-build for arith dialect

Subclasses of EBValue have been defined for arith operations, including
EBUnsigned, EBSigned and EBFloatPoint. These subclasses can accept
EasyBuilder::wrap() of input values of types of corresponding scalar types, or
their vector or tensor type. EBUnsigned accepts scalar, vector or tensor of
unsigned or signless integer-or-index-typed Value. EBUnsigned accepts
scalar, vector or tensor of signed or signless integer-typed Value.
EBFloatPoint accepts scalar, vector or tensor of float-point-typed Value.

Developers can also wrap C++ arithmetic types (e.g. uint32_t, float) to the
corresponding EBUnsigned, EBSigned or EBFloatPoint type, via
EasyBuilder::operator(). A call to such function will generate an
arith.constant operation at the current insertion point.

Similarly, EBUnsigned, EBSigned and EBFloatPoint enables
EasyBuilder::wrap() to convert from OpFoldResult.

OpFoldResult f = ...;
auto input1 = b.wrap<EBUnsigned>(f);

If OpFoldResult contains a Value, wrap<EBUnsigned> will try to convert the
extracted value to EBUnsigned. If it contains a constant as Attr,
wrap<EBUnsigned> will create an arith.constant based on the type of the

Some of the C++ operators are enabled for EBUnsigned, EBSigned and
EBFloatPoint classes, include arithmetic + - * / % , logical & | ^,
integer-shifting >> << and comparison > >= < <= == !=. Using these C++
operators will create the corresponding arith operations at the current
OpBuilder in the EasyBuildState of the EBValue. Signed and Unsigned
integers are distinguished, so that they will emit different operations for the
arith operations that is sensitive to the signess, like divsi or divui.

Easy-build for general structured-control-flow

Easy-build supports generating for-like and if-like operations from any

Generating for-loops

Easy-build provides macro EB_for and function forRangeIn to generate loop
body IR inside of a loop op, which is for-like operaions. for-like is
defined as LoopLikeOpInterface operations, which has single block as body, and
whose loop iterator and loop-carried variables are the arguments of the single
block. scf.for, scf.parallel and scf.forall are both for-like.

To use easy-build on a for-loop, the developer should first create a loop using
OpBuilder::create<T>, and use forRangeIn with EB_for to build the IR of
the loop-body, as if writing C++ range-based for-loops:

auto loop = builder.create<somedialect::ForOp>(...);
EB_for(auto &&[idx, redu] : forRangeIn<EBUnsigned, EBUnsigned>(b, loop)) {
   // code to generate loop body

The function forRangeIn takes variadic template type parameters, as the
expected wrapped EBValue types for the loop body block arguments. The above
code expects the loop to have one loop iterator and one loop-carried variable,
and both to be wrapped in EBUnsigned.

The macro EB_for expands to normal C++ for keyword, to mark that the
for-loop is a easy-build loop for building IR. Developers can use auto &&[...]
to unpack the loop body block arguments extracted in forRangeIn. The above
code idx, redu binds to the 2 arguments of the loop’s body. They will have
C++ types of EBUnsigned. Developers can further use the variables in IR

The code which generates IR with easy-build in a EB_for will insert IR to the
corresponding loop body block. The feature is implemented in forRangeIn, which
creates a RAII object to set the insertion point of the OpBuilder to the loop
body at constructor and resets the insertion point after the loop operation at
its destructor. The C++ code ourside of a EB_for will correctly insert IR
after the loop.

Generating if-else

Similar to for-loops, easy-build supports to build if-like operations in
similar way of writing if-else in C++. if-like is defined as operations
having two scopes and one block for each scope. The first scope is the then
block and the second is optional and is the else block. scf.if is if-like.

Easy-build provides macros EB_if, EB_else and a function makeIfRange for
build if-else. General code to build if-else is:

auto ifelse = builder.create<somedialect::IfOp>(...);
EB_if(makeIfRange(b, ifelse)) {
   // generate then-block   
} EB_else {
   // generate else-block

Developers can put the C++ code inside the then-block or else-block above to
insert IR to the then or else blocks inside of the operation ifelse above.
The else block EB_else { ... } is optional if else block is not defined in
the ifelse operation. Outside and after EB_if, the insertion point of the
underlying OpBuilder will be set after the ifelse operation.

Easy-build further provides an easier-to-use macro for scf.if. Developers can
build scf.if and start a EB_if scope in a single macro EB_scf_if, to make
the code look closer to C++ if-else.

To generate scf.if with else and without result values:

EB_scf_if(pred) {
} EB_else {

pred above should be a value of EBValue or its subclasses. It can even be a
C++ expression of EBValue, like idx == b.toIndex(10).

To generate scf.if without else and without result values:

EB_scf_if(pred, false) {

To generate scf.if with result values:

EB_scf_if(pred, {yielded_type,...}) {
} EB_else {
auto ifResult = b.getLastOperaion()->getResult(0);

Extending easy-build for dialects

To extend easy-build for new dialects or operations, developers usually need to
create a new class to inherit the EBValue class and define utility helper
functions for that new class. The definition of a subclass of EBValue should
be operation-centric. That is, the developer of a subclass of EBValue should
consider which operations are designed to be applied on it, instead of
considering the data type of the Value first. For example, when adding support
for arith operations, we find that the operations of it can fall into three
categories: unsigned int, signed int and float point. Thus EBUnsigned,
EBSigned and EBFloatPoint classes are introduced.

The developer needs to implement the wrapOrFail static member function in the
subclass, to enable converting values to it via EasyBuilder::wrap<>(). An
example for implementing a hypothesis subclass EBMyFloatPoint can be:

struct EBMyFloatPoint : EBValue {
  static FailureOr<EBMyFloatPoint> wrapOrFail(const impl::StatePtr &state,
                                            Value v) {
  static FailureOr<EBMyFloatPoint> wrapOrFail(const impl::StatePtr &state,
                                            const OpFoldResult &v) {

  using EBValue::EBValue;

Developers can implement the utility functions to help to build the IR:

inline EBMyFloatPoint sin(EBMyFloatPoint input) {
   std::shared_ptr<EasyBuildState> state = input.builder;
   OpBuilder& builder = state->builder;
   return EBMyFloatPoint{ state,
      builder.create<MyDialect::SinOp>(state->loc, input) };

inline EBMyFloatPoint operator+(EBMyFloatPoint a, EBMyFloatPoint b) {
   std::shared_ptr<EasyBuildState> state = a.builder;
   OpBuilder& builder = state->builder;
   return EBMyFloatPoint{ state,
      builder.create<MyDialect::AddOp>(state->loc, a, b) };

An implementation for preview: [MLIR][IR] Add easy-builder to simplify IR building in C++ by Menooker · Pull Request #2 · Menooker/llvm-project · GitHub

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I will just leave these here:

If we are finally ready for these after >4 years, I’m open for discussion.