Failure lowering operations with multiple return values of type index to LLVM

One of the operations in my custom dialect lowers to arith.addui_extended which not only returns a sum, but also a flag indicating if there was an overflow. The following code snippet is a simplified example of what happens:

func.func @get_input() -> index {
  %a = arith.constant 1 : index
  return %a : index

func.func @main() -> i64 {
  %a = @get_input() : () -> index
  %b = arith.constant 2 : index
  %result, %overflow = arith.addui_extended %a, %b : index, i1

  %d = index.casts %result : index to i64
  return %d : i64

Please note that I onyl have the @get_input() func so the addition is not constant folded. I then continued to lower the code to llvm using the following command:

mlir-opt \
  --convert-func-to-llvm \
  --convert-arith-to-llvm \
  --convert-index-to-llvm \

This result in the error message:

./addition.mlir:9:24: error: 'llvm.extractvalue' op result #0 must be LLVM dialect-compatible type, but got 'index'
  %result, %overflow = arith.addui_extended %a, %b : index, i1

Using the --mlir-print-ir-after-all flag I was able to introspect the lowering into the MLIR LLVM dialect that look like so:

"builtin.module"() ({
  "llvm.func"() ({
    %0 = "llvm.mlir.constant"() {value = 1 : index} : () -> i64
    "llvm.return"(%0) : (i64) -> ()
  }) {CConv = #llvm.cconv<ccc>, function_type = !llvm.func<i64 ()>, linkage = #llvm.linkage<external>, sym_name = "get_input"} : () -> ()
  "llvm.func"() ({
    %0 = ""() {callee = @get_input, fastmathFlags = #llvm.fastmath<none>} : () -> i64
    %1 = "llvm.mlir.constant"() {value = 2 : index} : () -> i64
    %2 = "llvm.intr.uadd.with.overflow"(%0, %1) : (i64, i64) -> !llvm.struct<(index, i1)>
    %3 = "llvm.extractvalue"(%2) {position = array<i64: 0>} : (!llvm.struct<(index, i1)>) -> index
    //   ^-- Problematic operation 
    %4 = "llvm.extractvalue"(%2) {position = array<i64: 1>} : (!llvm.struct<(index, i1)>) -> i1
    %5 = "index.casts"(%3) : (index) -> i64
    "llvm.return"(%5) : (i64) -> ()
  }) {CConv = #llvm.cconv<ccc>, function_type = !llvm.func<i64 ()>, linkage = #llvm.linkage<external>, sym_name = "main"} : () -> ()
}) {llvm.data_layout = ""} : () -> ()

The arith.addui_extended operation was lowered into llvm.intr.uadd.with.overflow that returns a llvm struct consisting of the result of type index and the overflow bit. However, since I continue using the result of the addition, the lowering introduces a llvm.extractvalue operation that extracts the result of the addition. However, index seems to not be compatible here.

I am happy to get some feedback on this problem, or a hint into the right direction. Unfortunately, I cannot convert all index values to i64 upfront, as both other operations of my dialect as well as some builtin operation expect index values.