Flang Biweekly Sync - Notes from the January 22nd, 2020 call

Flang team,

Here are the notes from the January 22nd, 2020 Flang biweekly call.

The next Flang Technical Community call is scheduled for Monday, January 27th, 8:30 AM Pacific Time. Discussion will probably center on the necessary work to upload flang to the LLVM monorepo.

The next Flang biweekly call will be Wednesday, February 5th, 2020 at 8:30 AM Pacific Time. Note that this is the week of the ECP Annual Meeting.

Logistics information for these calls is at the end of this email.

Thank you.

Gary Klimowicz


  • ECP Annual Meeting Feb 3-7
  • Continue discussing merging process and status
  • F18 development update
  • Flang development update


  • ECP Annual Meeting February 3-7, 2020, Houston Texas

  • The Compiler Will Help You! The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in ECP, Thursday Feb 6, 2020, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

  • A Flang poster (Alexis Perry-Holby and Flang team) has been created.

  • Pat McCormick would like to arrange a get-together for people working on Flang at the annual meeting. He’s working on arranging a space or this. Let Pat know if you will be attending the ECP Annual meeting.

  • Flang Community Technical Biweekly Call

  • The next call is scheduled for Monday, January 27th. Discussion about the process for uploading Flang to the LLVM monorepo will likely continue.

  • Craig Rasmussen mentioned that he would be interested in talking about experience with flang for a rewriting scheme that they are working on. (It sounds like this might be related to a source-to-source implementation for coarrays, which Craig and Kate Rasmussen are working on.)

  • New Flang update

  • We continue to work through expectations and issues regarding flang’s readiness to be pulled into the LLVM monorepo. Arm is taking the lead on ensuring that we have a set of work items defined for what must be done before the upload, and what can be addressed afterwards.

  • Most of the requests are not complicated: file suffix changes (.cpp instead of .cc); braces around single statements; incorporating tests into lit (the LLVM Integrated Testing framework) from ctest; etc.

  • Other requests include things like greater use of LLVM data structures and file handling.

  • See the detailed notes below for other Flang development updates.

  • Original Flang Dev news and updates

  • We will be providing access for additional committers to the project. There was discussion today around this process. Arm has submitted a list of additional committers for current Flang. We discussed setting up more public buildbots for Power (IBM will be looking into that) and x86.

  • Each team will continue to test their proposed changes internally using their internal test infrastructure.

  • This should help with the queue of pull requests that are outstanding for Flang.

  • NVIDIA will continue to push fixes for GitHub issues to flang.

Where we can use your help

  • Topics for the biweekly calls and technical community calls.
  • Let us know if you have presentations or meetings relevant to the Flang community. We will publicize these in these notes.

**Details (**Updates below are in bold)