Flang – Fortran front-end and runtime for LLVM

For those of you interested in a Fortran front-end for LLVM, source code for the Flang front-end derived from the PGI Fortran compiler is now available at https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang.

The full announcement is on the flang-announce list: http://lists.flang-compiler.org/pipermail/flang-announce_lists.flang-compiler.org/2017-August/000001.html

We owe a huge thank you to the early collaborators from DOE and ARM Ltd, who have been extremely helpful in testing the early source drops and providing guidance on priorities. So, "Thank You!"

We have set up mailing lists for announcements and developers. Information, archives, and sign-up information is available at http://lists.flang-compiler.org/mailman/listinfo.

We're looking forward to collaborating with those who are interesting in helping.

- Steve

Hi Stephen,

That’s a great milestone!

Congratulations to you and the team!

Do you plan to eventually move it to llvm.org umbrella?


For those of you interested in a Fortran front-end for LLVM, source code
for the Flang front-end derived from the PGI Fortran compiler is now
available at GitHub - flang-compiler/flang: Flang is a Fortran language front-end designed for integration with LLVM..

The full announcement is on the flang-announce list:

We owe a huge thank you to the early collaborators from DOE and ARM Ltd,
who have been extremely helpful in testing the early source drops and
providing guidance on priorities. So, "Thank You!"

We have set up mailing lists for announcements and developers.
Information, archives, and sign-up information is available at

We're looking forward to collaborating with those who are interesting in

Thank you Steve for the update! This is very helpful, indeed!
