Hi all,
Tanya has just posted the sign-up sheet for round tables at the 2019 LLVM dev meeting. She’s asked that we provide a request for two time slots – a first and second choice – as well as a duration. We can ask for 35 or 70 minutes; I propose we ask for 70 just to give us the freedom to talk as long as we need.
There are a couple of times that look good to me because they conflict with talks that don’t obviously interest flang developers. Please propose a different time if you’d like. Let’s see if we can reach consensus and schedule a time.
- Steve
2pm Tuesday, conflicts with
LTO for Swift
LLVM_Reduce for testcase reductions
11:55am Wednesday, conflicts with
Making UB hurt less: security mitigations through automatic variable initialization
Souper-Charging Peepholes with Target Machine Info
The Penultimate Challenge: Constructing bug reports in the Clang Static Analyzer