FW: Qs about install on mingw32 (Was [llvm-announce] LLVM 2.1 Release!)


When I try to run lli hello.bc, I get an unsatisfied DLL link error: "This
application has failed to start because pthreadGC.dll was not found."
Hunting around I can't find this DLL anywhere; where should it have come

pthreads are required for LLVM. Easy googling ("pthreads mingw32)
returns the following place for dlls download:

I found that, except it offers 'pthreadGC2.dll', not 'pthreadGC.dll', and I
wasn't sure which version was necessary (I also fond pthreadGC1.dll) to
match up with what LLVM needed. Are you saying I need to download this DLL,
rename it to pthreadGC.dll, and copy it, and if so, to where?

Ted Neward
Java, .NET, XML Services
Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing