Hit a snag while attempting to write a backend - any advice?


I’ve been experimenting with writing a backend for LLVM (3.2) (having already written a frontend http://savourysnax.github.com/EDL), everything was going reasonably ok ( calls/returns, epilogue, prologue, etc are all working), up until I tried to place support for conditional branches.

Given this simple program :

int test(int c,int d)
if (c)
return d;
return c;

with optimisations disabled (opts enabled it generates a select and this works fine) - I get the error at the bottom of the post.

It seems to state, the problem is in the usage of - %R0 in : JMP <BB#3>, %R0

what is confusing me, is the implied R0 on the jump, it only appears at Post SSA, and im not sure where to look to discern what i've done to cause it. I've tested the same code with the x86 backend and it never seems to do this implied usage. I realise I've not left you a lot to go on, but Im really just looking for likely areas to go poke around in. The backend was started by copying the MSP430 backend then commenting out large swathes of things (I may have left something in that causes the below error). I’m not using (or shouldn’t be) any custom lowering, all instructions map to DAG concepts (with the exception of select_cc and br_cc which are set to expand).

Any pointers would be much appreciated - I can post code etc, if required.

Thanks, Lee

Machine code for function test: Post SSA

Frame Objects:
fi#0: size=4, align=4, at location [SP]
fi#1: size=4, align=4, at location [SP]
fi#2: size=4, align=4, at location [SP]
Function Live Ins: %R0 in %vreg0, %R1 in %vreg1
Function Live Outs: %R0

BB#0: derived from LLVM BB %entry
Live Ins: %R0 %R1
%vreg1 = COPY %R1; GR32:%vreg1
%vreg0 = COPY %R0; GR32:%vreg0
MOV32mr <fi#1>, 0, %vreg0; mem:ST4[%c.addr] GR32:%vreg0
MOV32mr <fi#2>, 0, %vreg1; mem:ST4[%d.addr] GR32:%vreg1
%vreg2 = MOV32rm <fi#1>, 0; mem:LD4[%c.addr] GR32:%vreg2
%vreg3 = CMPfri %vreg2, 0; SR1:%vreg3 GR32:%vreg2
JCC %vreg3, <BB#2>; SR1:%vreg3
JMP <BB#1>, %R0
Successors according to CFG: BB#1(20) BB#2(12)

BB#1: derived from LLVM BB %if.then
Predecessors according to CFG: BB#0
%vreg5 = MOV32rm <fi#2>, 0; mem:LD4[%d.addr] GR32:%vreg5
MOV32mr <fi#0>, 0, %vreg5; mem:ST4[%retval] GR32:%vreg5
JMP <BB#3>, %R0
Successors according to CFG: BB#3

BB#2: derived from LLVM BB %if.else
Predecessors according to CFG: BB#0
%vreg4 = MOV32rm <fi#1>, 0; mem:LD4[%c.addr] GR32:%vreg4
MOV32mr <fi#0>, 0, %vreg4; mem:ST4[%retval] GR32:%vreg4
Successors according to CFG: BB#3

BB#3: derived from LLVM BB %return
Predecessors according to CFG: BB#2 BB#1
%vreg6 = MOV32rm <fi#0>, 0; mem:LD4[%retval] GR32:%vreg6
%R0 = COPY %vreg6; GR32:%vreg6
RET %R0<imp-use,kill>

End machine code for function test.

*** Bad machine code: Using an undefined physical register ***

  • function: test
  • basic block: BB#1 if.then (0xea46f84)
  • instruction: JMP <BB#3>, %R0
  • operand 1: %R0
    LLVM ERROR: Found 1 machine code errors.

I’ve attached the .ll file and output from runnnig llc -debug in the hopes that someone can see the problem.

err (46.8 KB)

08-simple.c.ll (882 Bytes)

Hi Lee,

        JMP <BB#1>, %R0<imp-use>

To me it looks like your JMP instruction (in XXXInstrInfo.td) somehow
says it uses R0 (the normal link register on your target, since RET
also uses it?).

I'd have to see the code to be sure, but since it's implicit I'd first
look for a "let Uses = [R0] in" which applies to the JMP instruction,
but perhaps should only apply to RET? A misplaced closing brace '}'

If you could post the exact snippet around the definition of JMP we
might be able to come up with more.



Hi Lee,

let isReturn = 1, isTerminator = 1, isBarrier = 1 in
def RET : BitscuitInst<(outs),(ins),"JMP\tR6",[(Bitscuit_return)]>;

def JMP : BitscuitInst<(outs), (ins jmptarget:$dst),"JMP\t$dst",[(br

Ah! It looks like the isReturn is to blame then. LLVM is presumably
going through adding an implicit use of any register that will hold a
return value to instructions that will actually return. This would
prevent it from removing instructions that actually define R0 as dead
code (it's "used" by the RET and should certainly be defined by the
time the function does return).

Since you've marked *any* JMP as a return, they all seem to get the
extra R0, even if the instructions that actually define it hasn't been
executed yet. I'd make isReturn only apply to the RET (and probably
add an "isBranch" to all of them for good measure).


Hi Lee,

Massive thanks, I've been staring at this problem for so long I was beginning to go a little stir crazy.

No worries. I know how annoying it can be trying to fix these
problems. "isBarrier" is the one that usually got me.

Out of interest is there a good explanation of the various isterminator etc flags anywhere?

The best I know of is include/llvm/Target/Target.td, which contains a
one-line description of each of these flags. Unfortunately it's often
still a little ambiguous, or depends on detailed knowledge of LLVM's


This behaviour was removed recently. Now, targets themselves have to add return values as implicit uses on return instructions in their LowerReturn() functions.
