LLDB on Windows

Hey Lukas,

We will be up streaming a MI frontend to LLDB soon, which will allow LLDB to work on Eclipse and other IDEs.

Additionally, we are actively looking at a Visual Studio lldb plugin, which we’ll open up when it is stable enough!

On top of tree at the moment windows is limited.

We mainly use it for remote debugging and so focus our Windows efforts in that area. Native Windows debugging has been worked on in another branch by Virgile and we need to merge it in.

Hope that answers the questions!


Hey Lukas,

We will be up streaming a MI frontend to LLDB soon, which will allow LLDB
to work on Eclipse and other IDEs.

This sound very interesting.
Howver, I am curious, why did you choose to implement GDB's MI, why not
implementing the DBGP protocol? (http://xdebug.org) which is much more
clear and documented protocol. Also, IIRC most IDEs already have pluing for
it (including Eclipse and NetBeans)

Also, is this an open source effort? or something you "do on the side"? ( I
am not sure if you are an lldb developer or user :wink: )

Hi Colin,

thanks a lot for the answers, I am glad Visual Studio lldb plugin is worked on.

Could I maybe ask for something a bit more specific - like a month in
which I should be able to download a working LLDB Windows version? An
estimate, of course, is enough.

Thank you,