LLVM 17.0.1 released!

We are happy to announce that LLVM 17.0.1 is now released!

Note that 17.0.0 was pushed out, but contained errors in the version information, so we decided to quickly follow up with 17.0.1 - the first public version of LLVM 17.x.


This release contains 6 months of LLVM community work and many improvements, bug fixes, and new features.

  • This release contains 38141 commits since 16.x.
  • 70198 files changed with 8713527 insertions and 3795923 deletions
  • 1282 authors made this possible.


You can download the source and binaries at releases.llvm.org and GitHub.


You can read the changelog for the different projects here:


Thanks to all the developers involved in triaging, reviewing, and fixing issues during the Release Candidate period and to all the Release Testers who dutifully test each release candidate and file bugs.

Many have contributed a lot, and the release wouldn’t have been possible without them.

Next Release

Next release will be 17.0.2, in two weeks the 3rd of October. Please file issues you find in 17.0.1 in the 17.x milestone.


https://releases.llvm.org/17.0.1/tools/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.html not found

The CDN cached 404. It will be fixed soon.

This is exciting, in particular the development on the AMDGPU backend in LLVM. Congrats everyone :slight_smile:

Are you planning to include a build for Windows on ARM? I don’t see LLVM-17.0.1-woa64.exe.

@tobiashieta Can you redirect discussion/questions to another category so that we keep the email traffic on “announcements” minimal?