llvm 2.1 announcement draft

Hi All,

Here is my current draft of the LLVM 2.1 release announcement. Unlike previous announcements, I'm not planning to largely duplicate the release notes in the announcement.

In addition to this, I've checked in the first draft of the release notes into llvm/docs/ReleaseNotes.html (http://llvm.org/docs/ReleaseNotes.html).

I'd really appreciate it if anyone who contributed to LLVM 2.1 could review the release notes and clean up the description of their (or others') contributions. The ordering in the release notes isn't final, and feel free to add items that I've overlooked!


Project Notes:

The release notes mention llvm-gcc 4.2, but the prerelease only included
llvm-gcc 4.0. Is the final release going to include 4.0 or 4.2 or both?


Hi Chris,

Minor gripe.

This release wouldn't be possible without many people in the LLVM
community: building new features, reporting bugs, testing the pre-
bits, and contributing in many other ways. Tanya (our release manager)
deserves a lot of credit for this being the smoothest and best
release so
far, as well keeping our releases coming out on time!

Formatting's out for this paragraph.




In addition to the pubs page in the paragraph below, you should also mention the Users page:

I think this page is quite under-populated. While on that topic, we would like to encourage users who are willing to have their projects listed on this page to send email to John Criswell (criswell@cs.uiuc.edu) or reply to llvmdev with the information in the appropriate table (Industry, Academic/Research, Education, Open Source).



In addition to this, I've checked in the first draft of the release
notes into llvm/docs/ReleaseNotes.html (About — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation

The release notes mention llvm-gcc 4.2, but the prerelease only included
llvm-gcc 4.0. Is the final release going to include 4.0 or 4.2 or both?

I will be releasing a source tar ball of llvm-gcc4.2, but we will not be generating binaries or doing extensive testing. This is primarily because we did not know what the state of llvm-gcc4.2 would be for the release and did not figure it into the release plan. For LLVM 2.2, we will most likely be treating it equal to llvm-gcc4.0.

I do think the release notes should be reworded to indicate that llvm-gcc4.2 is beta only and that we did not do extensive testing.


The release notes mention llvm-gcc 4.2, but the prerelease only included
llvm-gcc 4.0. Is the final release going to include 4.0 or 4.2 or both?

I will be releasing a source tar ball of llvm-gcc4.2, but we will not be
generating binaries or doing extensive testing. This is primarily because
we did not know what the state of llvm-gcc4.2 would be for the release and
did not figure it into the release plan. For LLVM 2.2, we will most likely
be treating it equal to llvm-gcc4.0.


I do think the release notes should be reworded to indicate that
llvm-gcc4.2 is beta only and that we did not do extensive testing.

I agree.

I strongly encourage people to just hack away at the release notes and commit their changes (or send a patch). They are not even close to their final form, and I'd appreciate help with them :slight_smile:
